Section 135-110-360 - A write-in candidate may be elected if no eligible person files(1) If the election supervisor finds ineligible all persons who filed, then only write-in candidates may be elected.(2) The write-in candidate, deemed the unofficial winner, must submit required candidate information to the conservation district within twenty-eight calendar days following the first date of election, and the election supervisor must verify the eligibility of the unofficial winner to be elected and to serve.(3) If the conservation district is unable to verify eligibility of the unofficial winner within twenty-eight calendar days of the election, the unofficial winner is disqualified. The person receiving the next highest vote count must then submit required candidate information and the conservation district must verify his or her eligibility as described above.(4) If the write-in candidate who is the unofficial winner is found ineligible and no other persons received votes, the provisions of WAC 135-110-740 shall apply.Wash. Admin. Code § 135-110-360
Amended by WSR 20-19-122, Filed 9/21/2020, effective 10/22/2020Statutory Authority: RCW 89.08.040, 89.08.190, and 89.08.200. 10-21-084, § 135-110-360, filed 10/19/10, effective 11/19/10.