Section 135-110-355 - Election supervisor must verify candidate eligibility(1) The election supervisor must verify the eligibility of each person who submits candidate information required by WAC 135-110-320. The election supervisor may call upon the county auditor or the conservation commission for assistance in verifying eligibility.(2) For a candidate to be eligible, the election supervisor must make a determination that: (a) The name of the person who filed candidate information is the correct legal name of the individual;(b) That the person submitted candidate information by the filing deadline;(c) That the person was a qualified district elector on the day of filing; and(d) That at least two of the three elected conservation district supervisors on the conservation district board of supervisors will be landowners or operators of farms if the person is elected.Wash. Admin. Code § 135-110-355
Amended by WSR 20-19-122, Filed 9/21/2020, effective 10/22/2020Statutory Authority: RCW 89.08.040, 89.08.190, and 89.08.200. 10-21-084, § 135-110-355, filed 10/19/10, effective 11/19/10.