Applicable Regulation | Opacity/Mass Limitation | Procedure |
A. Sources subject to EPA NSPS | Opacity limit specified in NSPS | EPA procedure for AOL applies |
Opacity limit not specified in NSPS | DER procedure will be used to establish AOL at the NSPS level for mass emissions | |
B. Sources subject to nonattainment area provisions (LAER applies) | Emission limitation will be specified in permit | DER procedure will be used to establish AOL at the maximum mass emissions rate specified as LAER |
C. Sources subject to permit requirements (e.g., BACT) | Mass emission rate specific in PAA or permit | DER procedure will be used to establish AOL at BACT mass emission rate |
No mass emission rate specified in PAA or permit (e.g., equipment specification), 2 cases | ||
1. No opacity limit specified in PAA or permit | Not eligible for AOL | |
2. No opacity limit specified in PAA or permit (mass emission rate and opacity limits under DER regulation are assumed to apply) | DER procedure will be used to establish AOL at the regulatory emission rate | |
D. Sources subject only to DER regulations (RACT)-no permit conditions apply | Mass emission limitation specified in DER regulation | DER procedure will be used to establish AOL at the regulatory emission rate |
No mass emission limitation specified in DER regulation | Not eligible for AOL |
NOTE: Sources incapable of a stack test are ineligible for an AOL
Abbreviations: AOL-alternative opacity limitation
NSPS-New source performance standards
PAA-plan approval application
BACT-best available control technology
LAER-lowest achievable emission rate
RACT-reasonably available control technology
PSD-prevention of significant deterioration
Pa. Code tit. 25, pt. I, subpt. C, art. III, ch. 123, NO[x] ALLOWANCE REQUIREMENTS, app D
This appendix cited in 25 Pa. Code § 123.45 (relating to alternative opacity limitations).