Or. Admin. Code § 632-015-0015
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 632-015-0015 - Application and Permit to Conduct Seismic and Information Hole Operations(1) A person may not conduct seismic program or information hole operations until that person has applied for and received a permit from the department. A nonrefundable fee, pursuant to ORS 520.017, must accompany an application. The application must be submitted on a form provided by the department. The applicant must submit one paper copy and one electronic copy of the application and supporting documents.(2) The application for a permit for seismic program or information hole operations must include: (a) The approximate number, depth, and location of the seismic or information holes. In the case of seismic shot holes, the size of the explosive charges must be specified. The application must be accompanied by a map showing the location of the shot holes or information holes. This may be a seismic shot point map showing the location of the seismic lines with shot points where the holes will be located;(b) The name, permanent address, and business phone number of the applicant;(c) In the case of a seismic program, the name, permanent address, and business phone number of the seismic explorer, if different from the information in subsection (b) of this section;(d) The name, permanent address, and business phone number of the hole plugging contractor, if different from the applicant and seismic explorer;(e) A description of hole plugging procedures;(f) The anticipated starting date of operations, including drilling;(g) The anticipated completion date of operations, including plugging, and;(h) Any other related data requested by the department.(3) A single application for an information hole may include up to 5 information hole locations.(4) Upon receipt of an application, the department will determine within 21 days if the application is complete. The department will notify the applicant of its determination in writing.(5) The department will circulate each completed application to appropriate state agencies and the governing body of the county or city in which the seismic or information holes will be located. The agencies and governing body have 45 days from the date the department circulates the application in which to comment.(6) The applicant is responsible for obtaining any required land use approval from the affected local government prior to beginning operations.(7) Within 60 days after receipt of a complete application for a permit to conduct a seismic program or to drill an information hole, the department shall issue or deny the permit unless the department determines that a longer period is necessary to respond to comments or new information, or for any other good cause.(8) The department shall deny a permit if:(a) The method of drilling, plugging, or reclamation of the seismic program or information hole operation does not comply with Oregon statutes, Oregon Administrative Rules, or any applicable orders of the board; or(b) The applicant is currently not in compliance with ORS chapter 520 or these rules with respect to a seismic program or information hole in Oregon; or(c) The applicant currently has contracted, with respect to operations in Oregon, with a geophysical contractor, driller, or other explorer that currently has an unlawfully abandoned seismic program, or information hole pursuant to OAR 632-015-0040, or an oil or gas well pursuant to OAR 632-010-0198 in Oregon or has not submitted plugging records from a previous seismic or information hole operation in the state of Oregon.(9) If the department denies a permit application, it will notify the applicant upon determination of denial. Any person adversely affected by a decision of the department may appeal pursuant to OAR 632-015-0060. (10) The department may temporarily suspend any seismic program or information hole operation not in compliance with Oregon statutes, Oregon Administrative Rules, any applicable orders of the board, or permit conditions.(11) The department may revoke a permit if it determines that any of the grounds for denying a permit now exist, as specified in section (8) of this rule, or if any aspect of the operation does not comply with Oregon statutes, Oregon Administrative Rules, any applicable order of the board, or permit conditions.(12) If seismic programs or information hole operations do not commence within one year from the date of issuance of the permit, the permit becomes invalid unless the permit term has been extended pursuant to this section. The permit may be extended by the department for good cause for a maximum of one additional year upon receipt of written request from the permittee, before the expiration date, giving reasons acceptable to the department for an extension.Or. Admin. Code § 632-015-0015
GMI 2-1990, f. 8-9-90, cert. ef. 8-31-90; GMI 2-1995, f. & cert. ef. 3-10-95; DGMI 2-2013, f. & cert. ef. 3-21-13Stat. Auth.: ORS 520
Stats. Implemented: ORS 520.095