Or. Admin. Code § 632-015-0010
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 632-015-0010 - DefinitionsThe definitions in ORS 520.005 apply to this rule division. In addition, the following definitions apply:
(1) "Board" means the Governing Board of the State Department of Geology and Mineral Industries.(2) "Department" means the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries.(3) "Drilling Records" means an operational summary of any hole.(4) "Groundwater" means any water, except capillary moisture, beneath the land surface or beneath the bed of any stream, lake, reservoir or other body of surface water within Oregon, whatever may be the geological formation or structure in which such water stands, flows, percolates or otherwise moves.(5) "Information Hole" means a hole drilled for information purposes in conjunction with oil or gas exploration operations and includes, but is not limited to, stratigraphic test holes, core holes, or other test holes.(6) "Nonmetallic Plug" means a plugging device made of nonmetallic and noncorrosive material that can be placed in a hole to prevent excess settling at the surface. An example of a nonmetallic plug is a plastic plug which conforms to the diameter of the hole.(7) "Operator" means any person who is in charge of the development of a lease or the construction, development or operation of a seismic program or information hole operation subject to the division.(8) "Permittee" means any person who has the right to conduct a seismic program or information hole operation and has received a permit or is an operator.(9) "Seismic Explorer" means a person who conducts seismic research work by the means of drilling seismic shot holes for the placing or detonating of explosives. (10) "Seismic Shot Hole (Seismic Hole)" means a hole that will be used for seismic operation purposes only.(11) "Stratigraphic Test Hole" means an information hole that is less than 500 feet deep drilled for stratigraphic or geologic data or information only and not for production under any foreseeable conditions as determined by the department.(12) "Sump" means an earthen containment area or a tank or other container, lined with a low permeability liner, located at the drilling site for the storage of drilling fluids or other material as part of a drilling operation.Or. Admin. Code § 632-015-0010
GMI 2-1990, f. 8-9-90, cert. ef. 8-31-90; DGMI 2-2013, f. & cert. ef. 3-21-13Stat. Auth.: ORS 520
Stats. Implemented: ORS 520.095