Or. Admin. Code § 581-024-0206
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 581-024-0206 - Powers and DutiesPursuant to ORS 334.125, the district board is authorized to transact appropriate business and is required to perform certain duties.
(1) Every district shall comply with the statutes and rules governing the transaction of public business to include directives on budgeting and expenditures.(2) Every district shall comply with Board adopted administrative rules and applicable statutes.(3) The district board shall perform all duties required by law, including but not limited to those identified in ORS 334.125(3) as follows:(a) Distribute school funds as it is empowered to apportion. Distribution shall be done in a timely and accurate manner;(b) Conduct of audits requiring the district to assist component school districts to meet budgeting, accounting and audit requirements (OAR 581-024-0265), to serve as a public depository for just completed audits and maintain past audit reports for 20 years;(c) Serve as district boundary board as identified in ORS 330.081-330.310 and OAR 581-024-0252;(d) Prepare an annual operating budget in accordance with the local budget section of Chapter 294 of ORS, the local Budget Law, and the chart of accounts contained in the program Budget and Accounting Manual as adopted by the State Board of Education and levy taxes as required or permitted by law.(e) Contract bonded indebtedness in the manner authorized by statute. Bonds are to be issued pursuant to ORS 328.205 to 328.295 and other laws applicable to the issuance of bonds; and(f) Creating a county education bond district under ORS 328.304 from a county within the district(g) Review periodically with component school districts, their operations, and submit to the component school districts plans that would achieve economies and efficiencies through consolidation of various operations of all or some of the component school districts. The district and its component school districts shall submit an annual report to the Board on the effectiveness of the consolidation of operations.(4) Districts must comply with the requirements to develop, adopt and approve a Local Service Plan as set out in ORS 334.175, and OAR 581-024-0285. The district board must adopt the local service plan and the component district boards must approve the Local Service Plan by resolution by March 1 of each year.Or. Admin. Code § 581-024-0206
EB 16-1994, f. & cert. ef. 11-14-94; ODE 22-2002, f. & cert. ef. 10-15-02; ODE 13-2005(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 12-29-05 thru 6-1-06; Administrative correction 7-20-06; ODE 28-2008, f. 10-23-08, cert. ef. 10-24-08Stat. Auth.: ORS 334.217
Stats. Implemented: ORS 334