Or. Admin. Code § 581-024-0205
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 581-024-0205 - DefinitionsThe following definitions apply to OAR 581-024-0191 through 581-024-0310 unless otherwise indicated by context.
(1) "ADM": means the "ADM" means the average daily membership as defined in ORS 327.006.(2) "Annual Report": a comprehensive document Submitted to the Department as required by OAR 581-024-0208 and 581-024-0226.(3) "Board": State Board of Education.(4) "Component" or "component school district": a school district whose administrative office is within the boundaries of the district.(5) "Core services": major categories of services that districts must provide that include services for children with special needs, technology support, school improvement, and administrative and support. Other services may be provided if approved in a Local Service Plan.(6) "Core service goals:" The goals of a district in providing core services are to: improve student learning; enhance the quality of instruction; provide professional development to component school district employees; provide students equitable access to resources; and maximize operational and fiscal efficiencies for component school districts.(7) "Department": Oregon Department of Education.(8) "District": an education service district.(9) "District Board": an education service district board. (10) "ESD": an education service district as defined in ORS 334.003.(11) "Entrepreneurial Services": services and facilities provided by an ESD to noncomponent school districts, other public entities, non profit or private entities pursuant to conditions cited in ORS 334.185. The ESD provides the services or facilities with a motivation to provide services or facilities that are expected to result in benefits to the ESD and its component school districts. The benefits may be monetary, increased provision of service delivery to component school districts, intellectual property, or some other benefit. The term "entrepreneurial" does not apply to services an ESD is providing to the State of Oregon, or services provided on a cost-recovery basis.(12) "Local service Plan": the plan developed and adopted by the district pursuant to ORS 334.175 and OAR 581-024-0285.(13) "Noncomponent": a school district whose administrative office is outside the boundaries of the education service district.(14) "Nonstandard district": a district that has not met the provisions of division 024 of chapter 581 of Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 334 of Oregon Revised Statutes, or other applicable rules and statutes to which districts are required to comply.(15) "Performance measures": procedures designed and administered by a district to determine component school districts' satisfaction with the quality of ESD services they receive. The performance measures are to be published by the District in the Local Service Plan.(16) "Public Entity": a unit of local, state, or federal government.(17) "Private entity": not a unit of local, state, or federal government and includes, but is not limited to, not-for-profit or business organizations.(18) "School Improvement Fund": means the fund established in ORS 327.294.(19) "Sexual orientation": means an individual's actual or perceived heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality or gender identity, regardless of whether the individual's gender identity, appearance, expression or behavior differs from that traditionally associated with the individual's sex at birth.(20) "Standard District": a district having met the provisions of division 024 of chapter 581 of Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 334 of Oregon Revised Statutes, and other applicable rules and statutes to which ESDs are required to comply.(21) "Superintendent": State Superintendent of Public Instruction.Or. Admin. Code § 581-024-0205
1EB 265, f. & ef. 8-22-77; 1EB 4-1985, f. 1-4-85, ef. 7-1-85; EB 10-1994, f. & cert. ef. 8-16-94; ODE 13-2005(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 12-29-05 thru 6-1-06; Administrative correction 7-20-06; ODE 13-2008, f. & cert. ef. 5-23-08; ODE 28-2008, f. 10-23-08, cert. ef. 10-24-08Stat. Auth.: ORS 334
Stats. Implemented: ORS 334.125