Or. Admin. Code § 137-083-0050
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 137-083-0050 - Grievance Procedures(1) An applicant has a right to review the award decision concerning eligibility and denial for an award for CAMI funds for the RSP grant. The grievance process is referred to herein as the "review" or "grievance procedure".(2) Each applicant will be informed of the grievance procedure at the time a decision is made regarding an award decision concerning an applicant's application.(3) No applicant will be subject to reprisal for seeking a review of an award decision.(4) To request a review of the award decision the applicant must make a written request to the CAMI Account Coordinator within 30 days after receiving notification of the award decision.(5) When the Department is notified that an applicant has requested a review of the award decision, a meeting will be scheduled with the CAMI Account Coordinator and members of the Advisory Council that have no conflict of interest with regard to the review at issue. Every effort will be made to have this meeting occur within 30 days of receipt of the grievance.(6) If the matter is not resolved through the above described grievance procedure, the applicant may request a further review of the issue by the Attorney General or his designee. The applicant must make a written request for such a review, to the Director of the Crime Victims' Services Division within 30 days following notification of the results of meeting with the CAMI Account Coordinator and the Advisory Council.(7) The decision of the State Attorney General or his designee is final.Or. Admin. Code § 137-083-0050
DOJ 1-2003, f. 2-28-03, cert. ef. 3-1-03; DOJ 2-2011, f. 3-30-11, cert. ef. 4-1-11Stat. Auth.: ORS 418.782 - 418.793
Stats. Implemented: ORS 418.780 - 418.796