Or. Admin. Code § 137-083-0040
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 137-083-0040 - Performance of Duties(1) Regional Service Providers receiving CAMI funds directly from the Department of Justice, shall submit reports that provide both qualitative and quantitative information regarding the delivery of services provided by the RSP as required by the Department.(2) Failure to meet the conditions of the award including administration, fiscal and programmatic requirements, may result in a reduction or denial of subsequent funds.Or. Admin. Code § 137-083-0040
DOJ 1-2003, f. 2-28-03, cert. ef. 3-1-03; DOJ 2-2011, f. 3-30-11, cert. ef. 4-1-11Stat. Auth.: ORS 418.782 - 418.793
Stats. Implemented: ORS 418.780 - 418.796