Or. Admin. Code § 104-080-0150
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 104-080-0150 - 9-1-1 Jurisdiction Plans(1) 9-1-1 Jurisdiction Plan. A 9-1-1 jurisdiction shall prepare and maintain a 9-1-1 Jurisdiction Plan.(2) The 9-1-1 Jurisdiction Plan must meet the requirements of ORS 403.130 and include: (a) Name and contact information for the 9-1-1 jurisdiction, including the physical and mailing addresses;(b) A description of the 9-1-1 service area served by the 9-1-1 jurisdiction, including a map of the geographical area served and the current total population;(c) Identification and description of the 9-1-1 jurisdiction's governing authority;(d) Name and location of the primary PSAP serving the 9-1-1 jurisdiction, including the physical and mailing addresses, 10-digit emergency phone number, 10-digit non-emergency phone number, and the name and contact information for the PSAP's director or administrator;(e) Name, address and contact information for all public and private safety agencies served by the 9-1-1 jurisdiction and primary PSAP as required by ORS 403.115; and(f) Number of workstations funded from the 9-1-1 Subaccount;(g) A disaster recovery plan meeting the requirements described in ORS 403.150.(3) Submittal and Review of new 9-1-1 Jurisdiction Plans. A 9-1-1 jurisdiction must submit completed 9-1-1 Jurisdiction Plan:(a) A 9-1-1 jurisdiction must complete and submit to the Department its 9-1-1 Jurisdiction Plan, in writing, signed by the primary point of contact for the 9-1-1 jurisdiction.(b) The Department will review the 9-1-1 Jurisdiction Plan for completeness and compliance with these rules. If the 9-1-1 Jurisdiction Plan is approved, the Department will notify the 9-1-1 jurisdiction that the plan is approved. The Department will keep the 9-1-1 Jurisdiction Plan on file and review it on an annual basis or as otherwise deemed necessary by the Department;(c) If the Department rejects the initial 9-1-1 Jurisdiction Plan, the Department will send the 9-1-1 jurisdiction written notice of the rejection, describing the deficiencies in the plan. The 9-1-1 jurisdiction has 90 days following issuance of the rejection to submit a revised 9-1-1 Jurisdiction Plan for review. The Department will review the revised 9-1-1 Jurisdiction Plan and if the revised 9-1-1 Jurisdiction Plan is unacceptable, the Department will work with the 9-1-1 jurisdiction to complete an acceptable plan.(d) A 9-1-1 jurisdiction must submit its approved 9-1-1 Jurisdiction Plans to: (A) All public and private safety agencies within the 9-1-1 service area; and(B) Any other public or private entities within the 9-1-1 service area that may be affected by the 9-1-1 Jurisdiction Plan, including all secondary responders.(4) Annual Review; Amendment of the 9-1-1 Jurisdiction Plan.(a) Each 9-1-1 Jurisdiction shall review its 9-1-1 Jurisdiction Plan in January of each year and send the Department updates as necessary or a notice certifying that the plan has been reviewed for the year and no changes have been made.(b) The 9-1-1 jurisdiction shall submit to the Department, updates as necessary or an amended plan 30 days prior to any consolidation, co-location, or physical move and within 30 days of any other change in the information included in the 9-1-1 Jurisdiction Plan.Or. Admin. Code § 104-080-0150
OEM 3-2015, f. & cert. ef. 12/1/2015; OEM 2-2018, amend filed 11/02/2018, effective 11/2/2018; OEM 22-2023, minor correction filed 04/10/2023, effective 4/10/2023Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 403.120; 2015 HB 2426
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 403 & 2015 HB 2426