Or. Admin. Code § 104-080-0140
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 104-080-0140 - Requirements of providers(1) A provider must first route emergency calls to the primary PSAP serving the 9-1-1 service area where the call originates.(2) A provider must provide to the Department documentation, including a description of the process, demonstrating that the P.01 grade of service is met for each primary PSAP.(3) A provider must provide annually a list of prices for the network exchange services necessary to provide the minimum P.01 grade of service. The list of prices must have been approved within a tariff schedule by the Oregon Public Utilities Commission.(4) A provider shall develop and maintain a plan to monitor and maintain the quality of its services. On an annual basis or as requested by the Department or 9-1-1 jurisdiction, a provider shall provide documentation to the Department or 9-1-1 jurisdiction that its network is designed to a P.01 grade of service.(5) A provider providing ANI and ALI must present uniform data streams identified in the Oregon ANI and ALI Format as required for PSAP operations. Such data streams must be transmitted in a manner permitting a PSAP's station terminal equipment to display ANI and ALI information in a predetermined format. Unless otherwise approved by the Department, a provider of ANI and ALI must use the Oregon ANI and ALI Format.[1](6) A provider providing ANI or ALI shall provide a complete copy of the ANI and ALI database to the PSAP, or its authorized MSAG Coordinator, on an annual basis or as agreed upon within the contract for service. The copy of the ANI and ALI shall be distributed by the provider of the ANI and ALI to the MSAG coordinator for the PSAP and made available to the Department for the purpose of performing data validation processes.(7) A provider shall provide an updated MSAG to the designated MSAG coordinator for each PSAP either on a quarterly basis or as agreed upon within the contract for service.(a) A provider shall provide access to the MSAG to the MSAG Coordinator of each primary PSAP, with full editing permissions to the MSAG database for the designated 9-1-1 service area.(b) A provider shall provide access to the MSAG to the Department, with full viewing rights to the MSAG database. Or. Admin. Code § 104-080-0140
OEM 3-2015, f. & cert. ef. 12/1/2015; OEM 2-2018, amend filed 11/02/2018, effective 11/2/2018; OEM 21-2023, minor correction filed 04/07/2023, effective 4/7/2023Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 403.120; 2015 HB 2426
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 403 & 2015 HB 2426