Control tests for effluent monitoring for certain effluent parameters, excluding WET testing contained in OAC 252:606-6-41 and 42, are specified in OAC 252:606, Appendix A. For pollutants not addressed in OAC 252:606, Appendix A, DEQ will consider the potential for effluent variation in establishing monitoring frequencies, subject to the minimum frequencies prescribed at OAC 252:606-6-89 for the initial permit cycle. In cases of effluent data sets with less than 10 data points, effluent monitoring may be warranted where reasonable potential for a substance to exceed an applicable criterion is not exhibited. When a control test is undertaken for a parameter listed in an OPDES permit, the results of the control test shall be reported to DEQ on the DMR for that month. The control test may be used to meet the required effluent monitoring as specified in the OPDES permit if the control test sample meets all the sample protocol requirements as contained in the OPDES permit.
Okla. Admin. Code § 252:606-6-88