- Subchapter 1 - Introduction (§§ 252:606-1-1 — 252:606-1-6)
- Subchapter 3 - Discharge Permitting Process for Individual and General Discharge Permits (§§ 252:606-3-1 — 252:606-3-6)
- Subchapter 5 - Discharge Permit Requirements (§§ 252:606-5-1 — 252:606-5-5)
- Subchapter 6 - Point Source Discharges (§§ 252:606-6-1 — 252:606-6-93)
- Subchapter 7 - Biosolids Permit Requirements [Revoked] (§§ 252:606-7-1 — 252:606-7-9)
- Subchapter 8 - Biosolids Requirements (§§ 252:606-8-1 — 252:606-8-7)
- Subchapter 9 - Land Application of Biosolids [Revoked] (§§ 252:606-9-1 — 252:606-9-5)
- Subchapter 11 - Tests and Reports (§§ 252:606-11-1 — 252:606-11-5)
- Subchapter 13 - Closure and Remediation [Revoked] (§ 252:606-13-1)
- Appendix A - [Effective until 9/15/2024] Minimum Control Test for Wastewater Treatment Facilities
- Appendix A - [Effective 9/15/2024] Minimum Control Test for Wastewater Treatment Facilities
- Appendix B - [Effective until 9/15/2024] Annual Fees for Non-Industrial Discharge Permits
- Appendix B - [Effective 9/15/2024] Annual Fees for Non-Industrial Discharge Permit
- Appendix C - [Effective until 9/15/2024] Annual Industrial Discharge Fees
- Appendix C - [Effective 9/15/2024] Annual Industrial Discharge Fees
- Appendix D - Annual Fees for Stormwater Permits and Other General Permits [REVOKED]
- Appendix E - [Effective until 9/15/2024] Fees for Industrial Users
- Appendix E - [Effective 9/15/2024] Fees for Industrial Users
- Appendix F - [Effective until 9/15/2024] Fees for Land Application of Biosolids
- Appendix F - [Effective 9/15/2024] Fees for Land Application of Biosolids
- Appendix G - [Effective until 9/15/2024] Monitoring Frequencies for Backwash Discharge From Potable Water Treatment Facilities
- Appendix G - [Effective 9/15/2024] Monitoring Frequencies for Backwash Discharge From Potable Water Treatment Facilities
- Appendix H - [Effective 9/15/2024] Priority and Nonpriority Pollutants with Numerical Criteria Requiring Reasonable Potential Screening
- Appendix I - [Effective 9/15/2024] Methodology and Equations for Characterizing Effluent and Background Concentrations in Determination of Reasonable Potential to Exceed Numerical Criteria
- Appendix J - [Effective 9/15/2024] Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) Testing Critical Dilutions and Dilution Series
- Appendix K - [Effective 9/15/2024] Equations for Implementation of Temperature Criteria to Protect the Fish and Wildlife Propagation Beneficial Use
- Appendix L - [Effective 9/15/2024] Equations for Implementation of Numerical Criteria for Toxic Substances to Protect the Fish and Wildlife Propagation Beneficial Use
- Appendix M - [Effective 9/15/2024] Equations for Implementation of Numerical Human Health and Raw Water Criteria to Protect the Fish Consumption and Public and Private Water Supply Beneficial Uses
- Appendix N - [Effective 9/15/2024] Equations for Implementation of Numerical Criteria to Protect the Agriculture Beneficial Use
- Appendix O - [Effective 9/15/2024] Performance-based Effluent Monitoring Frequency Reductions and Increases
- Appendix P - Background Monitoring