If either Cd (FFW) or Cd (RAW) exceeds its associated criterion, a water quality-based permit limit is required for that substance. Background levels used in calculating WLAFFW and WLARAW are described in OAC 252:606-6-10 through 6-13 and 6-15. If a pollutant's background level exceeds either CFFW or CRAW, the affected WLA is set equal to that criterion. Equations M-2 and M-3 are used to calculate WLAFFW and WLARAW, respectively. For discharges to a stream located less than five stream miles upstream of a public water supply intake and for discharges to a lake located within one mile of a public water supply intake, WLAFFW is set equal to CFFW for any pollutant detected in the discharge.
Okla. Admin. Code § 252:606-6-75