If the application and other available information indicates that the requirements of these rules are satisfied the director shall issue a license. If issued, copies of the license shall be mailed to the employer and the worker with a disability. If denied, the employer and the worker with a disability and/or his authorized representative shall be given written notice of the denial.
Ohio Admin. Code 4101:9-1-06
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4111.05, 4111.06
Rule Amplifies: 4111.06
Prior Effective Dates: 11-1-78; 6-3-04
Rule promulgated under: RC 119.03
Rule authorized by: RC 4111.05, 4111.06
Rule amplifies: RC 4111.06
R.C. 119.032 review dates: 03/03/2004 and 06/03/2009