State Education Department planning, research and evaluation.
The objective is to strengthen the capability of the Education Department to conduct a comprehensive and systematic program of statewide educational long-range planning, research, development and evaluation. Critical educational problems and needs will be identified, alternative solutions will be analyzed, and strategies and programs will be proposed to eliminate problems and fulfill needs.
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
1. To examine alternative sources for funding services. | Revisions to plans and submission of applications to fund information services-September 1977 |
2. To design a statewide network of service centers. | A program plan for service centers-December 1977 |
3. To implement a statewide contact point and regional service centers. | Operational programs throughout the State-July 1, 1978 |
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
1. To analyze economic projections in order to determine impact on education in the State. | A report on the projections of economic conditions and suggested actions-July 1977 |
2. To discuss economic problems and solutions with educators and employers in the State. | Series of meetings with educators and employers-September-December 1977 |
3. To implement corrective action programs to address economic realities. | Operational programs to deal with the economic conditions of the State-July 1, 1978 |
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
1. To meet with N.I.E., U.S.O.E. and the Institute for Educational Leadership regarding the results of their studies. | Summary report of findings of studies-September 1977 |
2. To discuss New York State's findings with U.S.O.E. and Congress. | Agreement on appropriate changes in the authorizing legislations-November 1977 |
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
1. To work with the New York State Legislature and the Governor's Office, and with Federal officials to secure funding for C.I.M.S. | Funds for operating C.I.M.S. in New York City-July 1977 |
2. To work with the Central Board of New York City and with selected community school districts in New York City on designing activities. | Program plan for the school year 1977-78-August 1977 |
3. To monitor and provide technical assistance in New York City. | Reports on progress in New York City-continuous |
4. To evaluate the impact of C.I.M.S. on students. | Evaluation report-June 1978 |
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
1. Based on population projections through 1990 and variable class sizes, determine the size of the teacher staff required in coming years. | Projection of teaching staff requirements for New York State up to 1990-August 1977 |
2. Using BEDS data determine average attrition rates for teachers of each age from 18-65. | Specification of the number of teachers that can be expected to be leaving teaching in a year-August 1977 |
3. Apply attrition rates for each year to determine the number of new teachers needed. | Determination of what the likely demand for teachers will be for each year to 1990-October 1977 |
4. Specify implications of this level of demand. Examine such things as: | Reports to units of the SED indicating consequences of levels of demand-November 1977-June 1978 |
a. Age distribution of New York State teaching staff | |
b. Salary costs for this distribution | |
c. Differences between supply and demand |
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
1. Based on departmental needs obtain from executive deputy and deputy commissioners specification of programs to be evaluated. | List of proposed tasks for fiscal year 1978-July 1978 |
2. Analyze list and develop work plans for fiscal year 1978. | Work plan for evaluations in fiscal year 1978 |
3. Implement program evaluations using already developed evaluation model. | Reports of program evaluations for various department units-June 1979 |
4. Report results of evaluations to program evaluated, executive deputy and deputy commissioners. | Course of action for unit to follow based on findings of report-June 1979 |
5. Monitoring of unit progress on specified course of action. | Report to unit, executive deputy and deputy commissioner on unit progress-July 1979 |
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
1. Analyze issues to define problems and alternative solutions. | Reports-continuous |
2. To work with program units and the commissioner on selected corrective action programs. | Program plans for problem area-continuous |
3. To monitor and evaluate the implementation of corrective programs. | Monitor and evaluation reports for the commissioner-continuous |
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
1. To supervise the work of the Information Center on Education. | Improved system of data services-continuous |
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
1. Review and analyze program unit's budget and legislative proposals. | |
2. Review and analyze long-range plans for proposed programs. | |
3. Provide recommendations to the executive deputy commissioner regarding the anticipated costs and benefits of proposed programs. | Written and oral recommendation to the executive deputy commissioner-July 1977 |
4. Assist the executive deputy commissioner in preparing materials for the Board of Regents, and budget and legislative officials. | Reports-July 1977-February 1978 |
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
1. Review existing information dealing with the limits and parameters of ARC education project funding. | Series of background papers on ARC education projects in New York State-September 1977 |
2. Solicit information from groups involved in ARC projects at the operational level through field visits, conferences, interviews and surveys. | Briefing paper on operational problems of ARC education projects in New York State-December 1977 |
3. Analyze data gathered in terms of how goals for ARC projects can be achieved. | Analytical paper which can be used as a basis for developing policy alternatives-February 1977 |
4. Develop set of policy alternatives related to funding and implementing projects which will achieve the goals of ARC education funding. | Set of policy alternatives for ARC education funding in the State-March 1977 |
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
1. Site visits by distinguished out-of-State peers in the field to the 12 political science and 12 sociology programs in the State. | Reports applying established criteria approved by the commissioner's advisory doctoral council and by the commissioner. September-November 1977 |
2. Meetings with outside consultants and in-State faculty in these fields. | Reports applying established criteria approved by the commissioner's rating committees and by the commissioner. January-June 1978 |
3. Meetings with academic and nonacademic potential employers on placement and curricular reform. | Closer communication and exchange between the academic, business and industry segments of society. July 1977-June 1978 |
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
1. Campus visits by distinguished peers in each field from academic, business or industry to encourage consortia arrangements. | Arrangements completed or begun between institutions following the recommendations made by the site visitors. September 1977-March 1978 |
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
1. Exchange of academics and non-academics in political science and sociology for meetings. | Greater exchange and flow between the two segments. Established channels and continuing programs for insuring that the ties are strengthened. September 1977-July 1978 |
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
Improved programs in sociology and political science which incorporate recommendations made by academic and nonacademic consultants. January-June 1978 | |
1a. Faculty review of site visit reports with recommendations on curricular reform. | |
1b. Statewide meetings of all department chairmen in mathmatics and philosophy to discuss curricular reform. |
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
1. Initiate an entitlement demonstration. | Data on effects of entitlements-June 30, 1978 |
2. National conference on entitlements. | Report and action recommendations-March 1978 |
3. Help develop national legislation. | Passage of legislation. |
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
1. Work with HEW lifelong learning project. | Implementation of lifelong learning legislation: HEA, title I, part B. |
2. Write and speak on lifelong learning. | Growing awareness of developments and issues by policy makers, practitioners and public. |
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
1. Develop parent education resource center. | Center in operation by October 1977 |
2. Undertake parent education demonstration projects. | Outside funding received and demonstration started. June 1978 |
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
Seek foundation grant. | Foundation grant received-July 1977 |
2. Plan and design process to assist selected communities. | Plans, designs and possible participating communities-December 1977 |
3. Development of materials for public information campaigns, information directories, etc. | Materials ready-March 1978 |
4. Selection of initial communities and initial work with them. | Councils started in some selected communities-June 1978 |
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
1. Seek foundation grant. | Grant received-October 1977 |
2. Conference meeting on the learning needs of the elderly. | Conference report and recommendations-October 1977 |
3. Develop project to test economic and social impacts of educational program for elderly. | Project plan and sample selection-June 1978 |
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
1. Meetings with and reports to regents, commissioner, department staff, title IV of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, advisory council, etc. | Policies on lifelong learning. |
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
1. The chair of the advisory council will continue to direct a central talent bank. Through regular contact with the regional committee, the chair will maintain and update the bank. | Continuing |
2. In order to expand the pool of women candidates, regional members will correspond with potential administrative candidates from an Education Department list of women who hold certification in administration. | August 1977 and continuing |
3. In each region, the committees will develop sources of women candidates through public speaking campaigns and contacts with media, teacher organizations, civic groups and other interested organizations. | Continuing |
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
1. The chair will disseminate to regional committees consciousness-raising and applicant training materials. | Continuing |
2. The regional committees will conduct workshops and training sessions in their areas to expand consciousness of potential candidates and assist them in developing necessary job-seeking skills. | August 1977-March and April 1978 |
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
1. Regional members will regularly submit names from talent bank to local districts in response to notices of job openings. | Continuing |
2. The chair will prepare and distribute through the regional councils a monthly newsletter focusing upon consciousness-raising articles and listings of promotional opportunities. | Continuing |
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
1. Regional members will regularly submit names from talent bank to local districts in response to notices of job openings. | Continuing |
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
1. Regional members will work with districts and BOCES in the areas to establish a reporting system of administrative vacancies and to establish and maintain a file of job notices. | July-August 1977 |
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
1. Council will prepare a portion of the program of the annual meeting for new school board members which will deal with affirmative recruitment and hiring. | August 1977 |
2. Council will prepare and disseminate surveys of employment trends in educational leadership, drawing upon the SED computerized data banks of those holding State certification for administrative positions, and particularly identifying differences in job holding, with respect to sex and minority and/or ethnic identity. | Continuing |
(5) Pupil evaluation program. |
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
1. Review test specifications and content with committees of teachers. | Decision on whether tests need to be totally revised or be continued as is |
2. If tests need to be revised, recruit, orient, train teacher item writers. | Competent subject specialists trained to write test questions-February 1978 |
3. If tests need to be revised, teachers write questions for revised examination. | Two hundred raw questions for each of 9 tests-May 1978 |
4. If tests need to be revised, technical review and editing of raw test questions. | Large pool of technically good questions ready for pretesting-June 1978 and continuing |
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
1. Print and distribute tests to schools. | Reading and mathematics test scores for all pupils statewide in grades 3, 6 and 9-October 1977 |
2. Receive report forms and analyze and summarize test scores by computer. | Individual school building and district summary report and score distribution report for each grade and subject-February 1978 |
3. Edit and mail reports to schools. | Schools in receipt of analyzed and summarized achievement data for use in preparing interpretative and evaluative reports-March 1978 |
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
1. Organize computerized data into appropriate output (programming). | Each school building and district receives objective report of test results for most recent five-year period-March 1978 |
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
1. Summarize computer data in appropriate output (programming). | Interpretative report providing statewide analyses and summaries of current year test results-May 1978 |
Work tasks | Anticipated accomplishments or products-due date |
1. Maintain a data bank of test scores. | Twelve years of comparable test results readily available on a continuous basis for application to specific problems and needs |
N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 8 § 2302.22