To carry out the statutory directive to "encourage the formation of libraries where none exist," ( 51-408) and to implement the statewide promotion, development and coordination of library programs and services in accordance with nationally acceptable library standards" ( 51-403 ), the Commission shall: aid and encourage the statewide sharing of library resources; make all efforts to strengthen and enhance local library units; promote and encourage regional multi-type library cooperation.
007.01Statewide Sharing of Library Materials. To maximize access to the library resources in the state the Commission shall maintain a union catalog of the holdings of the major libraries in the state, and maintain an interlibrary communication system for the transmittal of information and requests for library materials.
007.01AState Resource Libraries. Libraries whose holdings are part of the state union catalog shall be designated "State Resource Libraries." The Commission shall negotiate written agreements with each State Resource Library which shall identify a method of financial compensation for services rendered by the Resource Library to the state.007.01BNebraska Library Communication System. The major state resource libraries shall be linked together in a common communication network designated as the Nebraska Library Communication System. The Commission shall provide participating libraries with operating manuals and instructions in the use of the system, and shall seek methods for achieving maximum inter-library communication efficiency. Libraries which are not designated State Resource Libraries may be granted access to the communication system if they have compatible communication equipment and agree to pay the access fees set by the Commission based on current and projected communication costs.007.01CNEBASE. To provide Nebraska libraries with cost efficient access to national level library computer and bibliographic services, and to promote the development of a state bibliographic database, the Commission shall sponsor NEBASE, a consortium of Nebraska libraries organized for that purpose. The Commission shall administer NEBASE as a discrete agency program. Among its responsibilities, NEBASE shall be authorized to contract with Online Computer Library Center, Inc. and function as one of its regional networks. (Online Computer Library Center, Incorporated of Dublin, Ohio is a non-profit library service and research membership organization which makes available computer-based processes, products, and services for libraries and other educational organizations). Individual member libraries shall contract with NEBASE for various computer related services and pay fees for services rendered. A price list for services shall be established annually, based on contract arrangements between NEBASE and OCLC, Inc. Fees paid to NEBASE shall be deposited in the Commission cash fund, or distributive fund as appropriate. Representatives of NEBASE member libraries shall be convened at least once annually and elect an Advisory Board of five members.007.02Assistance to Libraries. The Commission shall pursue all efforts to strengthen and enhance the programs of local libraries. Such efforts shall include, but not be limited to:
007.02A Providing advice and counsel as requested on matters pertaining to library operations and management.007.02B Seeking improvement in the financial support for libraries through the establishment of private library foundations and through active support for adequate public fund appropriations at all levels.007.02C Providing continuing education and training opportunities for library staff members and governing boards.007.02D Providing guidance in the development of local inter-library cooperative programs, and in the formation of local and regional multi-library cooperatives.007.02E Providing financial and professional staff assistance in the research and development of innovative library service programs and in the application of new technology.007.02F Disseminating information about Nebraska library programs, problems and achievements.007.03Services From Libraries. To address deficiencies of library service at local levels, the Commission may contract with libraries, government agencies, or bodies organized for library purposes, to provide needed services. Such arrangements may include, but are not limited to:
007.03A Use of space to conduct programs such as the Books by Mail Service.007.03B Use of staff specialists to conduct training programs or act as special consultants.007.03C Development of local resources such as compilation of regional holdings of library materials.007.03D Extension of library support services such as acquisition, cataloging and processing of library materials.007.03E Implementation of special services such as the Consumer Health Information Resources Service.007.03F Planning and implementation of regionally based library services such as provided by the Nebraska library systems.236 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 2, § 007