7 Miss. Code. R. 163-1.0-1.1

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 7-163-1.0-1.1 - Definition of a Nonpublic School

The term nonpublic school includes private schools, parochial and other church-related schools, special purpose schools either privately owned and operated or governed by a public agency other than the Mississippi Department of Education, and Indian schools funded by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Nonpublic schools may be operated either as a for profit organization or as a nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation.

7 Miss. Code. R. 163-1.0-1.1

Adopted 1/18/2017
Amended 7/22/2018
Amended 5/12/2019
Amended 8/17/2020
Amended 1/18/2021
Amended 8/22/2021
Amended 11/22/2021
Amended 11/28/2021
Amended 9/19/2022
Amended 6/27/2023
Amended 5/20/2024