Each participant receives a basic allowance unless they live in a nursing facility. The basic allowance for each living arrangement is listed in this rule. The Semi-Independent Group Residential Facility, Room and Board, Residential and Assisted Living Facility, and Certified Family Home basic allowances do not change with the annual cost-of-living increase in the federal SSI benefit amount.
01.Single Participant. A participant is budgeted five hundred forty-five dollars ($545) monthly as a basic allowance when living in a situation listed below. Beginning January 1, 2001, the basic allowance increase for a single participant is the dollar amount of the annual cost-of-living increase in the federal SSI benefit rate for a single person. b. Living with their ineligible spouse.c. Living with another participant who is not their spouse.d. Living in another's household. This includes a living arrangement where the participant purchases lodging (room) and meals (board) from their parent, child, or sibling.e. Living with their TAFI child.02.Couple or Participant Living with Essential Person. A participant living with their participant spouse or their essential person is budgeted seven hundred sixty-eight dollars ($768) monthly as a basic allowance. Beginning January 1, 2001, the basic allowance increase for a couple is the dollar amount of the annual cost-of-living increase in the federal SSI benefit rate for a couple. The increase may be rounded up.03.SIGRIF. A participant living in a semi-independent group residential facility (SIGRIF) is budgeted three hundred forty-nine dollars ($349) monthly as a basic allowance.Idaho Admin. Code r.