Section 19a-2a-22 - AIDS/HIV data system(a)General nature and purpose(1) Location. All data collected in the AIDS/HIV data system is housed at 21 Grand Street, Hartford, Connecticut.(2) Format. This data system is all automated.(3) Purpose. The purpose for this system is disease surveillance.(4) Official responsible. The chief of the Epidemiology Section/AIDS division is located at 21 Grand Street, Hartford, Connecticut, and is the official responsible for the AIDS/HIV data system. Requests for disclosure or amendment of the records in this system should be directed to this official.(5) Routine sources. Personal data is routinely received from physicians, institutions, laboratories, infection control practitioners, AIDS coordinators in various health care facilities or private practice, and from death certificates.(6) Legal authority. The legal authority for the AIDS/HIV data system is Connecticut General Statutes, Sections: (B) 19a-581 through 19a-592.(b)Categories(1) Categories of personal data collected on individuals in the AIDS/HIV data system include the following:(E) various diseases experienced by these individuals;(G) laboratory tests; and(H) date of death, if applicable.(2) No other data is collected.(3) Categories of persons on whom data is collected include: (A) adults with CDC-defined AIDS; and(B) all children who are HIV exposed or infected.(c)Uses(1) Routine uses (A) Users. The routine users of the data are the staff epidemiologists employed by the AIDS division.(B) Purpose (i) To monitor the occurrence and progression of HIV/AIDS disease in Connecticut;(ii) to target populations for intervention;(iii) to evaluate the effect of HIV/AIDS prevention initiatives; and(iv) to project the number of cases that will occur in the future and plan for health care resources.(2) Retention. Records for each personal data system are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedule as approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by section 11-8a of the Connecticut General Statutes. Retention schedules shall be maintained on file at the office of the official responsible for the data system and may be examined during normal business hours.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 19a-2a-22
Adopted effective August 24, 1995