Section 19a-2a-21 - Employee assistance program (EAP) data system(a)General Nature and Purpose(1) Location. All EAP client records are located in the Employee Assistance Program, 150 Washington Street, Hartford, Connecticut.(2) Format. Records are maintained in automated and manual form.(3) Purpose The purpose of this system is to document the diagnosis, treatment planning, treatment process and response of the EAP client.
(4) Official responsible. The affirmative action officer is located at 150 Washington Street, Hartford, Connecticut, and is the official responsible for the EAP data system. Requests for disclosure or amendment of the records in the system should be directed to this official.(5) Routine sources. Routine sources of data include interviews, examinations, observations or evaluations of the patient or client, information provided by family members, public and private health care providers, social workers, and professionals and other state agencies.(6) Legal authority. Personnel data in EAP client records are collected, maintained and used under authority of Section 19a-126h of the Connecticut General Statutes and 42 C.F.R. (Code of Federal Regulations) Part 2.(b)Categories(1) Categories of personal data maintained in EAP client records include, but are not necessarily limited to: (A) job performance information such as a description of performance deficiencies and presenting problems;(B) salary, length of employment, place of employment and job description;(C) source of referral, such as self, employer or supervisor, labor union or other;(D) medical and emotional condition or history;(E) family or personal relationships;(L) racial or ethnic designation;(M) social security number; and(N) health insurance information.(2) No categories of other data are collected.(3) The category of individuals upon whom personal data are collected includes those individuals seeking assistance from the Employee Assistance Program.(c)Uses(1) Routine uses (A) Users. Records are used by the EAP staff to reflect treatment planning and services provided to or on behalf of EAP clients and their families.(B) Purpose. The purpose of this system is to document the diagnosis, treatment planning, treatment process and response of the EAP client.(2) Retention. Records for each personal data system are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedule as approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by section 11-8a of the Connecticut General Statutes. Retention schedules shall be maintained on file at the office of the official responsible for the data system and may be examined during normal business hours.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 19a-2a-21
Adopted effective August 24, 1995