A Sewer Use Discharge Permit for a water treatment plant owned and operated by a municipality, or by a water district created by a special or general act of the Massachusetts Legislature, may authorize the discharge of Sludge and filter backwash directly or indirectly into the Authority Sewerage System. Prior to issuing such Permit, the Authority may require the Person requesting to make such discharge to submit a detailed hydraulic analysis of the Sewers involved to ensure that adequate capacities are available. If Combined Sewers are involved, or if a separate Sewer that is involved does not have adequate capacity to transport existing peak dry or wet weather flows, the analysis shall propose facilities the Person will use to prevent its Discharge from having an adverse impact on a Municipal Sewer or the Authority Sewerage System, including how the Person will control its Discharge so that its Discharge does not cause, contribute to, or prolong a combined sewer overflow event or a sewer surcharge.
Such Permit may contain the following conditions, in addition to the conditions listed in 360 CMR 10.053:
360 CMR, § 10.057