Section 101.03 - General Provisions(1)Filings. A Rate Filing and all papers relating to it shall be filed at the Division's principal office during regular business hours, addressed to the Docket Clerk, Hearings and Appeals. A Filing Party shall submit ten copies of its Rate Filing to the Division. At least one of the ten copies must be submitted in an unbound format. The Filing Party shall contemporaneously serve one copy of the Rate Filing on the State Rating Bureau, each Statutory Intervenor and each Interested Party that participated in the Filing Party's last rate Proceeding. The Filing Party shall also serve a copy of the Rate Filing on any other Interested Party which is granted permission to participate in the Proceeding. The Presiding Officer may order a party to file, in addition to the paper copies, an electronic copy of a document in a prescribed format. The Presiding Officer shall determine how many copies of other Papers shall be filed.(2)Service of Papers. Any Party or participant filing Papers in a Proceeding shall serve a copy thereof on other Parties or participants by hand delivery or by United States mail, postage prepaid, sent to the address of record in the Proceeding. Failure to comply with 211 CMR 101.03 shall be grounds for refusal by the Division to accept Papers for filing. All Papers filed in a Proceeding shall include a certificate of service.(3)Timely Filing. Papers filed in a Proceeding must be filed at the Division's principal office within the specified time limits. The date of filing shall be determined as follows: (a) Papers hand-delivered during regular business hours shall be deemed filed on that day.(b) Papers hand-delivered at other times shall be deemed filed on the next regular business day, unless otherwise ordered by the Presiding Officer.(c) Papers mailed to the Division's principal office shall be deemed filed on the day the Division receives them.(4)Computation of Time. Computation of any period of time referred to in 211 CMR 101.00 shall begin with the first day after the date of the initiating act. The last day of the period so computed is to be included unless it is a day when the principal office of the Division is closed, in which case the period shall run until the end of the next business day. When the time period is five days or fewer, Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays shall be excluded from the computation.(5)Extensions of Time. The Presiding Officer, for good cause shown, in his or her discretion, may modify any time limit prescribed or allowed by 211 CMR 101.00. All requests for extensions shall be made by motion before the expiration of the period originally prescribed or as previously modified.(6)Signatures. All papers shall be signed by the filing Party, its authorized representative or its counsel.(7)Appearances. Parties appearing in a Proceeding, other than the State Rating Bureau, shall file a written notice of appearance with the Division and shall serve a copy on all persons who have previously appeared in the Proceeding. A Statutory Intervenor shall file a notice of appearance no more than ten days after publication of a hearing notice regarding a Rate Filing.