211 CMR, § 101.02
As used in 211 CMR 101.00, the following words mean:
Commissioner: The Commissioner of Insurance appointed pursuant to M.G.L. c. 26, § 6, or his or her designee.
Division: The Division of Insurance, established pursuant to M.G.L. c. 26, §1.
Filing Party: An Insurer or rating organization that makes a Rate Filing.
Insurer: The Massachusetts Property Insurance Underwriting Association ("MPR7A") or any successor corporation, association, partnership, group or other person organized pursuant to M.G.L. c. 175C to offer basic property or multi-peril insurance.
Interested Party: Any person, agency or organization, other than the State Rating Bureau or the Attorney General, which has been granted permission to intervene or to participate in a proceeding.
Oral Statement: A statement of position made during a hearing, with the permission of the Presiding Officer, by any person who is not an Interested Party.
Papers: All written documents filed in a proceeding, including Rate Filings, Responsive Filings, motions, pleadings, briefs, memoranda and other communications.
Party: An Insurer or rating organization submitting a Rate Filing, the State Rating Bureau, Statutory Intervenors and Interested Parties which the Presiding Officer has allowed to intervene in the Proceeding. An Interested Party which has been allowed to participate but not to intervene in the Proceeding shall not be considered a Party to the Proceeding.
Presiding Officer: The Commissioner, or any person or persons designated by the Commissioner, who conducts hearings and related proceedings on Rate Filings made pursuant to M.G.L. c. 175C.
Proceeding: A hearing and related procedural matters, conducted under 211 CMR 101.00, to consider the Commissioner's approval of proposed modifications to manuals of classifications of risks, rates or rules for insurance offered pursuant to M.G.L. c. 175C. A Proceeding starts when a Rate Filing is made with the Commissioner unless the Commissioner, in his or her discretion, determines that the request seeks a minor modification to such manuals and requires no Proceeding under 211 CMR 101.00.
Rate Filing: Documents filed with the Commissioner by a Filing Party, pursuant to M.G.L. c. 175C, § 5, requesting approval of modification of its manuals of classifications, rates, or rules.
Rating Organization: An organization established pursuant to M.G.L. c. 175C, § 4.
Responsive Filing: Any recommendations, including supporting information or commentary, concerning a Rate Filing, or any portion thereof, filed in accordance with 211 CMR 101.05.
State Rating Bureau: The State Rating Bureau within the Division, established pursuant to M.G.L. c. 26, § 8E.
Statutory Intervenor: Any person, agency or organization including, but not limited to, the Attorney General, which has a statutory right to appear in any hearing conducted pursuant to 211 CMR 101.00.
211 CMR, § 101.02