Section 133.02 - Placement on the Self-exclusion List(1) An individual whose name is placed on the voluntary self-exclusion list shall be prohibited from entering the gaming area of a gaming establishment or any area in which pari-mutuel or simulcasting wagers are placed for the duration of the exclusion period, and shall not collect any winnings or recover any losses resulting from any gaming activity at a gaming establishment. Provided, however, that an employee of a gaming licensee or vendor who is licensed or registered as a key gaming employee, gaming employee, or gaming service employee in accordance with 205 CMR 134.00: Licensing and Registration of Employees, Vendors, Junket Enterprises and Representatives, and Labor Organizations and who is on the voluntary self-exclusion list may be in the gaming area of a gaming establishment or an area in which pari-mutuel or simulcasting wagers are placed solely for purposes of performing their job functions.(2) An individual may request to have their name placed on the voluntary self-exclusion list by completing the application and procedure outlined in 205 CMR 133.02. Applications shall be submitted in a format approved by the commission and shall be available on the commission's website and at designated locations on and off the premises of the gaming establishments as determined by the commission.(3) An application for placement on the voluntary self-exclusion list may only be accepted, and an intake performed, by an available designated agent. An individual may only become a designated agent by successfully completing a course of training approved and administered by the commission or its designee. The course of training shall include, at a minimum, instruction on completion of the application, instruction on maintaining confidentiality of personal protected information, information relative to problem gambling and resources, and an understanding of 205 CMR 133.00. A designated agent is any individual authorized by the commission for the purpose of administering the voluntary self-exclusion program including, but not limited to, a GameSense advisor; a health or mental health professional; or an employee of a gaming licensee, the commission, or other government entity. The commission may refuse to offer training to any individual whose service as a designated agent it determines would be contrary to the aims of 205 CMR 133.00.(4) Upon submission of an application, a designated agent shall review with the applicant the contents and statements contained in the application, as provided by 205 CMR 133.03. If the application is complete, the designated agent shall sign the application indicating that the review has been performed and the application has been accepted.(5) A designated agent may not sign an application if(a) any required information is not provided; or(b) they are of the belief that the applicant is not capable of understanding the responsibilities and consequences of being placed on the self-exclusion list.(6) Designated agents completing an electronic form of the approved application shall deliver electronically the signed application for voluntary self-exclusion to the commission immediately upon completion. Designated agents completing a paper form of the approved application shall forward the signed application for voluntary self-exclusion to the commission within 48 hours of completion in a manner directed by the commission.(7) Upon receipt of an application, the commission, or its designee, shall review it for completeness. If the application meets all requirements of 205 CMR 133.02 the application shall be approved and the individual's name shall be added to the voluntary self-exclusion list. If the application is incomplete, the commission, or its designee, may deny the application and make efforts to contact the applicant advising them of such.(8) If the gaming licensee utilizes an internal management system to track individuals on the self-exclusion list, they shall update that system at least every 72 hours with names of individuals being added or removed from the self-exclusion list.(9) The commission, or its designee, shall add to the list of voluntarily self-excluded persons the name of any individual provided from a gaming jurisdiction outside of Massachusetts, with which the commission has entered into an interstate compact, upon a determination that the individual voluntarily requested that their name be added to the list of the referring jurisdiction and that they were notified, either directly or by operation of law, that their name may be placed on similar lists in other jurisdictions.(10) If the applicant has elected the services identified in 205 CMR 133.03(8), the commission, or its designee shall contact the designated coordinating organization for the provision of requested services.Adopted, Mass Register Issue 1262, eff. 6/6/2014.Amended by Mass Register Issue 1418, eff. 5/29/2020.Amended by Mass Register Issue 1434, eff. 1/8/2021.Amended by Mass Register Issue 1474, eff. 7/22/2022.