205 CMR, § 133.01
In accordance with M.G.L. c. 23K, § 45(f), the commission shall establish a list of self-excluded persons from gaming establishments. 205 CMR 133.00 shall govern the procedures and protocols relative to the list of persons self-excluded from entering the gaming area of a gaming establishment or any area in which pari-mutuel or simulcasting wagers are placed. The voluntary self-exclusion list shall consist of names and information relative to those individuals who have complied with the requirement of 205 CMR 133.00 and have been placed on the list by the commission. Placement of one's name on the voluntary self-exclusion list is intended to offer individuals one means to help address problem gambling behavior or deter an individual with family, religious, or other personal concerns from entering the gaming area of a gaming establishment or any area in which pari-mutuel or simulcasting wagers are placed.
For purposes of 205 CMR 133.00, the term 'problem gambler' shall mean an individual who believes their gambling behavior is currently, or may in the future without intervention, cause harm in their life or on the lives of their family, friends, and/or co-workers.
205 CMR, § 133.01