(1)Institution Librarian. A full time staff member holding a Master's Degree in Library Science and a Certification as a Professional Librarian. Institution Librarians shall be selected in accordance with 103 DOC 201: Selection and Hiring. Institution Librarians shall be made available to train, coordinate, and supervise services in libraries that do not have a full time Institution Librarian assigned.(2)Library Aide. A staff member with either prior library experience or professional library experience assigned by the Superintendent to coordinate library services under the supervision of the Director of Treatment and the Institution Librarian.(3) Institution Librarians shall meet regularly to form and maintain a network for the purpose of communication, resource sharing, continuing education and training, and the development of cooperative projects and/or grant proposals. Librarians shall maintain communications and establish liaisons with their counterparts in similar institutions and in all types of libraries outside the institution.(4) Specifications for library personnel shall be completed pursuant to 103 DOC 205: Position Classification to the extent feasible, in consultation with the Consultant for Services to Institutions from the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners.(5) Institutions may use inmates as library clerks, subject to the approval of the Superintendent and the Institution Librarian. Each institution shall develop procedures for the selection of inmate library clerks. This procedure shall include an application process through which each inmate is screened for eligibility as a library clerk. All inmate applicants must demonstrate basic literacy skills. Inmates must complete the approved training course prior to selection as a law library clerk.(6) The Institution Librarian shall be responsible for training inmates as general and law library clerks. Each institution shall develop procedures to ensure that general and law library clerks are trained to perform routine library duties as circulation and technical services assistants. No inmate will be hired as a law library clerk without passing a qualifying exam. Each institution shall develop procedures for the delivery of the approved training course to train potential law library clerks.Amended by Mass Register Issue 1338, eff. 5/5/2017.