103 CMR, § 478.05
Access. Use of general and law library services on a scheduled basis.
Assistant Deputy Commissioner of Reentry. The senior staff person whose duties include, but are not limited to, the management of classification, programs, education, reentry and reintegration.
Audio-visual Equipment. Any equipment needed to facilitate the use of non-print library material, such as films, filmstrips, slides, recordings, videos, CDs, CD players, etc.
Board of Library Commissioners. The state agency responsible for the establishment and development of library media centers in state institutions.
Circulation. The activity of a library in lending books and other materials to borrowers and keeping records of the loans.
Collection. The total accumulation of all library materials provided by the library for its users, also called resources or holdings. It may consist of books, periodicals, pamphlets, records or tapes, filmstrips, slides, pictures, games, etc.
Commissioner. The Commissioner of Correction.
Inmate Management System (IMS). The Department of Correction's automated information system that provides processing, storage and retrieval of inmate related information needed by Department personnel and other authorized users within the criminal justice system.
Inter-library Loan. A cooperative arrangement among libraries by which one library may borrow material from another.
Library Materials. The total bibliographic holdings or resources of the library consisting of books, periodicals, pamphlets, records, tapes, filmstrips, slides, pictures, games, etc.
Library Services. The total services rendered by the library to its users, including provision of information, reference, bibliographic aid, lending materials, reading guidance, etc.
Media. Printed and audiovisual forms of communication and any necessary equipment required to make them usable.
Network. A cooperative organization formed to provide services to members.
Original Legal Documents. Original documents to be filed with the Courts in support of criminal litigation challenging the inmate's sentence, directly or collaterally, or in support of civil litigation challenging the conditions of his or her confinement.
Superintendent. The Chief Administrative Officer of a state correctional institution.
Technical Services. All activities concerned with obtaining, organizing and processing library materials for use.
103 CMR, § 478.05