N.L.R.B. Board Decisions November 1954 casesThe Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.Cone Mills Corp.Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of San AngeloCoca-Cola Bottling Co. of StocktonAcme Steel Co.Fry Products, Inc.New Jersey Porcelain Co.Homer Chevrolet Co.Jewett & Sherman Co.Alaska Salmon Industry, Inc.A. Sandler Co.Local 170, International Brotherhood of TeamstersRheem Manufacturing Co.Miller Manufacturing Co.Burns Detective AgencyMississippi Chemical Corp.Wales-Strippit Corp.Continental Can Co., Inc.General Electric Apparatus & Service ShopThe General Industries Co.Wells Dairies CooperativeLocal 58Pennsylvania Electric Co.Morris and Horner, Inc.Mt. Clemens Metal Products Co.Crown Drug Co.Catalina, Inc.Minerals and Metals Corp.Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Co.American Republics Corp.The Borden Co.The Item Co.Tube Reducing Corp.Frontier Industries, Inc.National Trucking Co.Continental Electric Co., Inc.American Cast Products, Inc.General Electric Co.East Detroit Stevedore Co.Reynolds Metals Co.Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.Hartman BrothersAnchor Rome Mills, Inc.J. Spevak & Co., Inc.The Vendo Co.Strongcraft Products, Inc.Venetian Blind Workers' UnionNational Truck Rental Co., Inc.The Park Drop Forge Co.Cascade Natural Gas Corp.Milwaukee Electric Tool Corp.Moss Planing Mill Co.Antle Carrots, Inc.Mississippi River Fuel Corp.Truitt Manufacturing Co.Upper Peninsula Power Co.Liggett Drug Co., Inc.Westinghouse Electric Corp.Eagles Iron and Brass Co.The Jefferson Co., Inc.Wagner Awning and Manufacturing Co.Stroh Brewery Co.District Lodge 67R. D. Werner Co., Inc.Bulova Research and Development Laboratories, Inc.General Electric Co.Albert Evans, Etc.The American Shipbuilding Co.General Foods Corp.Capitol City Manufacturing Co., Inc.Bridgeport Brass Co.Montana-Dakota Utilities Co.Doak Aircraft Co., Inc.