P.R. Laws tit. 24, § 342e

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 342e. Transfers—Resources, facilities, lands, etc

All resources and facilities, including records, equipment, property, buildings, lands, funds and appropriations, which are being used in connection with the programs and functions of the Corporation to be used, owned or spent by the Administration in connection with the functions it is bound to perform pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, are hereby transferred to the Administration.

The lands donated to the People of Puerto Rico by deed No. 66, executed before Notary Public Eduardo Acuña Aybar, in San Juan, on August 2, 1913, and those acquired by the People of Puerto Rico through purchase from Tomás López Morales by public deed No. 16, executed before Notary Public Antonio J. Amadeo, in San Juan, on July 23, 1924, other than the lands the Corporation has already transferred to agencies of the Government of the United States of America under Act No. 106 of June 26, 1962, as amended, are hereby included in the lands transferred.

The Administration may dispose of the lands transferred by this chapter in order to carry out its purposes after prior consultation with the Board and the approval of the Secretary, and to such ends it may transfer lots from them to agencies and instrumentalties of the Government of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or of the Government of the United States and its political subdivisions. In the same manner, it may convey in usufruct lots of land to private nonprofit associations and organizations dedicated to teaching, medical investigation (or research) or the promotion and conservation of health. The conditions and requirements under which the transfers and conveyances of the usufruct of lots of these lands [sic] shall be determined in each case by the Secretary of Health in consultation with the Board. Conveyance of the usufruct shall be for a limited term or for the term determined by the Secretary without being subject to the provisions of § 1578 of Title 31. Provided, That the lots already conveyed in usufruct and those to be conveyed in the future as well as the structures and other real property on the lots shall also be exempted from payment of property taxes for the duration of the usufruct.

All proposals for the construction, addition, alteration, remodeling or demolition of structures or physical facilities that affect the lands conveyed to the participating entities must be presented for the consideration of the Board sufficiently in advance by the proposing participating entity. The recommendation of the Board will be determining for the final decision on the petition.

History —June 22, 1978, No. 66, p. 203, § 6; July 9, 1985, No. 99, p. 321, § 7.