P.R. Laws tit. 24, § 342d

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§ 342d. Board of Medical Center Participating Entities; creation and members; Executive Director

The Puerto Rico Medical Center Participating Entities Board is hereby created, which shall be constituted by the following members: the Secretary of Health of Puerto Rico, the Dean of the Medical Sciences School of the University of Puerto Rico, the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Puerto Rican League Against Cancer, the Mayor of San Juan, the Administrator of the State Insurance Fund, the Secretary of the Family, the Administrator of Mental Health and Addiction Services, and two (2) consumers appointed by the Secretary of Health. The Chairperson of the Medical Administration and Policy Committee appointed by virtue of the provisions of § 342r of this title shall also be a member. The Secretary of Health shall be Chairperson of the Board. Attendance by the members of this Board to its meetings cannot be delegated.

The initial terms of office of the two (2) members that represent the consumers shall be one for three (3) years, and the other for four (4) years and until their successors have been appointed and have taken office. As their terms expire, their successors shall be appointed for a term of four (4) years.

Any vacancy that occurs in the office of these members shall be filled in the same way within a period of ninety (90) days after the date the vacancy occurs, for a term of four (4) years.

The Board of Participating Entities shall appoint an Executive Committee composed of three (3) of its members to which it shall delegate those responsibilities and functions related to the day-to-day operations of the centralized services and the coordination of the Medical Center member institutions, in such a manner that the decision-making process in which the Board must intervene is expedited.

The Administration shall have an Executive Director, appointed by the Secretary with the advice of the Board and the approval of the Governor of Puerto Rico, who will hold office at the Secretary’s will until his successor is appointed. The Executive Director shall be the chief executive of the Administration; he shall represent the Administration in all acts and the contracts that must be executed in the exercise of the functions thereof, and shall perform the duties and have the responsibilities, powers and authority delegated to him by the Secretary. The Executive Director shall attend the meetings of the Board. The salary of the Executive Director shall be fixed by the Secretary with the approval of the Governor of Puerto Rico.

The Board may delegate any of its powers, except the power to regulate, to the Executive Director or other employees of the Administration.

History —June 22, 1978, No. 66, p. 203, § 5; July 9, 1985, No. 99, p. 321, § 6; July 12, 1986, No. 124, p. 398, § 1; June 29, 1994, No. 36, § 1.