P.R. Laws tit. 24, § 334f-7

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 334f-7. Procedure—Hearing

The Secretary shall be under the obligation of holding an administrative hearing during the evaluation period of the petition, in which the persons affected and those who have requested the opportunity to be heard shall be given the opportunity to participate. Any person who requests to be heard at a hearing shall be entitled to be represented by counsel or any other advisor and to present oral or written arguments or relevant evidence. The Secretary shall establish by regulations the procedures for holding the hearing.

The Secretary or the official on whom he delegates to preside the hearing shall be empowered to take oaths and to serve summons under pain of contempt, requiring the appearance of witnesses and the production of any relevant or pertinent document or evidence. In the case of refusal to obey a summons or to present the documentary evidence required, the Secretary or his representative may resort to the Court of First Instance to compel the appearance, the statement and the presentation of documents.

The Secretary’s findings of fact upheld by evidence shall be conclusive.

The complete file of each petition shall be available for inspection by the affected persons during working hours.

History —Nov. 7, 1975, No. 2, p. 922, added as § 11 on Sept. 19, 1983, No. 16, p. 385, § 9; July 18, 1986, No. 139, p. 441, § 1; renumbered as § 12 on July 6, 1997, No. 31, § 25.