P.R. Laws tit. 24, § 334f-6a

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 334f-6a. Procedure—Issuance of permits without consideration of statutory requirements

Notwithstanding any other provision in contravention of §§ 334—334j of this title, or any other laws, the Secretary of Health shall have the power to issue administratively, without a hearing, those permits, licenses and certificates of necessity and convenience needed for the operation of the health installations to be privatized by virtue of the provisions of §§ 3301—3325 of this title, without taking into consideration the statutory or regulatory requirements relevant to the concession of said permits, licenses and certificates. To such effects, the public deed or contract by which any health facilities are privatized or transferred shall include a clause that provides that concurrently with the signing of the privatization documents, the Secretary shall issue those permits, licenses and certificates of necessity and convenience needed for the immediate operation of said facility. Provided, however, That in case the privatized health installations may wish to subsequently reduce or increase the health services they render, they must meet all the applicable legal provisions, including those of the Certificates of Necessity and Convenience Act, §§ 334—334j of this title.

History —Nov. 7, 1975, No. 2, p. 922, added as § 11 on July 6, 1997, No. 31, § 24.