P.R. Laws tit. 15, § 813

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 813. Distribution of net income from Additional Lottery operations

Those costs and expenses which must be incurred in order to maintain and develop the operations of the Additional Lottery shall be charged to the Lottery Fund. The Secretary is empowered to make advances as are necessary to cover said costs and expenses.

The gross operating income of the Additional Lottery shall be deposited into a special account within the Lottery Fund to defray the operating expenses and the payment of prizes. The amount to be allocated for prizes shall not be less than forty-five percent (45%) of the total value of the amount paid by the public for the tickets.

The net operating income shall be allocated as follows:

(a) Ten million dollars ($10,000,000) of the Additional Lottery’s annual net operating income, plus fifteen percent (15%) of the net operating income of the instant games, up to a combined total of twenty million dollars ($20,000,000), shall be appropriated to the “Housing Rental and Improvement Subsidy Program for Low-Income Elderly Persons”, established in §§1491-1495 of Title 17. The Department of Housing may use up to five percent (5%) of the funds appropriated herein for expenses in order to comply with the provisions of §§ 1001 et seq. of Title 17, better known as the “Puerto Rico Public Housing Administration Organic Act”.

(b) Thirty-five percent (35%) of the net balance (net income minus the Housing Rental and Improvement Subsidy Program for Low-Income Elderly Persons Fund) shall be appropriated to the municipalities, of which twenty-six million dollars ($26,000,000) shall be deposited annually in the Municipal Revenues Matching Fund set forth in §§ 5801-5820 of Title 21, to cover operating expenses and capital improvements in the municipalities; and the remainder thereof, which shall not exceed sixteen million dollars ($16,000,000) a year, shall be used to defray the contributions accrued as of June 30, 1997, on account of the implementation of the Health Reform. Any amount in excess of sixteen million dollars ($16,000,000) a year shall be deposited into the Municipal Revenues Matching Fund, insofar as this amount falls within the thirty-five percent (35%) corresponding to the municipalities.

Once the municipal contribution for the Health Reform accrued as of June 30, 1997, is covered, the resources thus released shall be deposited into the Municipal Revenue Matching Fund. Provided, That the amount deposited into the Fund as a result of meeting the accrued municipal contribution shall not be considered for purposes of computing the proportion of the municipalities’ contribution to the Health Reform.

(c) Likewise, the Secretary of the Treasury shall transfer to the Curable Catastrophic Illness Services Fund, on a monthly basis, two percent (2%) of the Additional Lottery’s projected net income attributable to the previous month, after the items mentioned in this section have been covered.

The surplus of the net operating income of the Additional Lottery after the items mentioned in this section have been covered shall be deposited in the General Fund, and the same shall be available for the payment of the annuities that must be paid pursuant to the provisions of § 807 of this title. Such income shall not be considered when computing the proportion of the net internal revenues of the General Fund appropriated to the municipalities by law.

History —May 24, 1989, No. 10, p. 44, § 13, renumbered as § 14 and amended on Aug. 17, 1989, No. 75, p. 326, § 10; May 2, 1991, No. 6, § 1; Aug. 31, 1996, No. 173, § 7; June 26, 1997, No. 23, § 3; July 29, 2004, No. 171, § 2; Sept. 7, 2004, No. 256, § 1; Aug. 15, 2007, No. 109, § 1; Aug. 13, 2009, No. 74, § 6; May 10, 2010, No. 49, § 5; Nov. 15, 2010, No. 170, § 1; Nov. 30, 2010, No. 176, § 12; Apr. 1, 2011, No. 46, § 8; Dec. 30, 2011, No. 286, § 1; Apr. 7, 2013, No. 7, § 4.