Penn. Gr.Co.R. 211

As amended through January 1, 2018
Rule 211 - Argument Court
a. The Prothonotary, Clerk of Court, and Clerk of Orphans' Court shall immediately place on the next available argument list any case where preliminary objections, exceptions, motions for summary judgment, or any other request for determination of law has been filed.
b. The legal brief or memorandum of the moving party shall be filed with the appropriate Court office and served upon opposing counsel or unrepresented parties not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of argument. The reply legal brief or memorandum shall be filed with the appropriate court office and served upon opposing counsel or unrepresented parties not less than five (5) days prior to the date of argument. Failure to strictly comply with the briefing schedule shall constitute a default authorizing the Court to grant or deny the relief at issue, prohibit the failing party to make oral argument, and to take such other action as the Court deems necessary for the proper administration of justice.

Penn. Gr.Co.R. 211