Penn. Gr.Co.R. 208.3(a)

Current through June 25, 2018
Rule 208.3(a) - Disposition Of Motions
1. As using as a rule, "Motion" means any application to the Court made in any civil action or proceeding except as provided in Pa.R.C.P 208.1(b)(1)(2) and Local Rule G206.1(a).
2. Motions shall be presented at 9:00 a.m. on the first and last working day of each week and at such other times as may be designated by Court. Emergency motions shall be heard as needed.
(b) All motions presented shall comply with the following requirements:
1) Motions shall be personally presented to the Court by the attorney of record, an attorney acting on behalf of an attorney of record, or a party to the proceeding if unrepresented by an attorney except as set forth in subparagraph 5 below.
2) All motions shall be in writing and shall include a proposed order accompanied by a certificate of service and notice of motion substantially in the form as follows:

Certificate of Service and Notice of Motion

I hereby certify that I am this date serving the foregoing document and giving notice of its presentation to the Court on the______day of_________________, 20_____, at___________ o'clock upon the person and in the manner indicated below:



Attorney for________________

3) Notice of the presentation of motion shall be in writing and a copy of the motion received by opposing counsel or an unrepresented party at least 24 hours in advance of presentation to the Court.
4) All agreed upon motions shall contain the consenting signatures or attached consents of all attorneys or unrepresented parties of interest.
5) Motions for a routine scheduling of hearing may be mailed or other- wise presented to the Court Administrator after notice as required.
6) All motions shall include a brief statement of the applicable authority.
7) All motions shall clearly state whether they are contested or uncontested.

Penn. Gr.Co.R. 208.3(a)

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