Penn. 46 J.D.R.C.P. 1306

Current through April 27, 2017
Rule 1306 - Report And Award Of Board Of Arbitration
(a) Immediately following the hearing, unless a question of' law arises which requires briefing in which case the award shall be filed no later than ten (10) days after the hearing, the Board of Arbitration shall file a report and award with the Prothonotary on the same day. The report and award shall be signed by all or a majority of the members of the Board. The Prothonotary shall mail or otherwise forward copies thereof to all parties or their counsel. The Prothonotary shall file the report and award on the docket of the case.
(b) The report and award, unless appealed from as herein provided, shall be final and shall have all the attributes and legal effect of a verdict. If no appeal is taken within the time allotted therefore, the successful party or counsel may enter a judgment on the award upon praecipe after which execution process may be issued upon such judgment as in the case of other judgements.

Penn. 46 J.D.R.C.P. 1306