Penn. 46 J.D.R.C.P. 1305

Current through April 27, 2017
Rule 1305 - Arbitration Hearings
(a) When a panel of Arbitrators shall be assembled, they shall be sworn or affirmed to justly and equitably try all matters properly at issue and submitted to them by any person having authority to administrator oaths.
(b) The Board of Arbitration shall conduct the hearing before them with due regard to the law and according to the established rules of evidence and they shall have the powers of a Court to administer oaths or affirmations to witnesses, to determine the admissibility of evidence, to permit testimony to be offered by depositions and to decide the law and the facts of the case submitted to them.
(c) The President Judge shall have full supervisory powers with regard to any questions that arise in all arbitration proceedings as well as in regard to the application of these rules.
(d) Witness fees in any cases referred to the Board of Arbitration shall be in the same amount as is currently in effect for witnesses in trials before the Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield County. The cost thereof, in any case, shall be paid by the same party or parties by whom they would have been paid had the case been tried before the Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield County.

Penn. 46 J.D.R.C.P. 1305