R. Miss. Comm'n. Jud. Perform. 8

As amended through March 21, 2024
A.Scheduling of Hearing. The Commission shall schedule a formal hearing concerning the charges. The hearing shall be held no sooner than five (5) days after filing of an answer or after the deadline for filing of the answer if no answer is filed. Notice of the hearing shall be sent to the judge at his last known residence of record or to his attorney.

At the date set for the formal hearing, the hearing shall proceed whether or not the judge has filed an answer, and whether or not he appears in person or through counsel. The failure of the judge to answer or appear may be taken as evidence of the facts alleged in the formal complaint.

B.Discovery and Procedure. In all formal proceedings the Mississippi Rules of Civil Procedure shall be applicable except as otherwise provided in these rules. The sole parties to formal proceedings shall be the Commission and the judge.
C.Fact finder. The formal hearing shall be conducted before the entire Commission or before a committee of the Commission, a master or a Fact finder designated by the Commission.
D.Conduct of Hearing. Facts requiring action of the Commission shall be established by clear and convincing evidence.

The Mississippi Rules of Evidence shall apply to any formal hearing. All witnesses shall take an oath or affirmation to tell the truth. All Commission members, staff, witnesses, counsel, or any other person privy to any hearing before the Commission shall take an oath of secrecy concerning all proceedings before the Commission, violation of which shall be punishable as contempt.

The Commission shall employ a member of the Mississippi State Bar to prepare and present the formal complaint to the Commission and otherwise act as counsel and to represent the Commission before the Supreme Court or direct the Executive Director to so represent the Commission as counsel.

The Commission shall designate one (1) of its judicial or attorney members to preside over each formal hearing. He shall dispose of all preliminary matters and shall rule on procedural and evidentiary matters during the course of the hearing.

The judge shall have the right to present evidence and to produce and cross-examine witnesses.

The judge shall be limited to two (2) character witnesses who may testify at the formal hearing; he may submit the affidavits of any other character witnesses he deems appropriate.

The hearing shall be recorded by a reporter employed by the Commission.

E. Determination. If the full Commission has held the formal hearing, it shall promptly prepare its findings of fact and any recommendations.

When a committee, master, or Fact finder has held the formal hearing, its findings of fact and recommendations shall be filed with the Commission within thirty (30) days after the hearing's conclusion; provided, however, the Commission may grant additional time for the preparation of such findings and recommendations. The executive director shall promptly deliver to the judge or his legal representative and to the Commission counsel a copy of the transcript of the proceedings and a copy of the findings and recommendations. Within ten (10) days from receipt of such copies, the judge and Commission counsel may submit written objections to the findings and recommendations. The Commission shall review the findings and recommendations, the written objections, and the transcript; and it may accept, modify, or reject, in whole or in part, the findings and recommendations and may make additional findings of fact and recommendations.

F.Commission Recommendation. The Commission recommendations to the Supreme Court for discipline may include removal from office, suspension, fine, public censure or reprimand, or retirement. In addition, the Commission may privately admonish a judge as provided by law.

The Commission findings and recommendation and the numerical vote shall be recorded; all other Commission action shall remain confidential.

G. Dissent. If any member dissents from a recommendation as to discipline or retirement, the dissenting recommendation shall also be transmitted to the Supreme Court. Only the dissent, with the number of dissenters shall be transmitted; the names of the individual dissenters shall remain confidential.
H.No Discipline Recommended. If two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Commission fail to recommend discipline or retirement, the case shall be dismissed.
I.Witness Fees. All witnesses shall receive fees and expenses in the statutorily allowable amount. Expenses of witnesses shall be borne by the party calling them. When the physical or mental disability of the judge is in issue, the Commission may reimburse the judge for the reasonable fees of any physician rendering a report or testifying at a Commission hearing. If the judge is exonerated of the charges against him and the Commission determines that the imposition of costs and expert witness fees would work a financial hardship or injustice upon him, the Commission may order that part or all of those costs and fees be reimbursed.

R. Miss. Comm'n. Jud. Perform. 8

Amended effective 6/29/1995; Comment adopted 3/7/2002.


Disciplinary recommendations to the Supreme Court by the Commission may range from removal from office down to public censure or reprimand. Although the Commission generally does not impose disciplinary sanctions, but rather makes findings and recommendations for submission to the Supreme Court, it may, under Rule 6, dismiss cases or impose the lesser sanction of a private admonishment, without action by the Supreme Court. In the case of private admonishment, the Commission will notify the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of its action.