R. Miss. Comm'n. Jud. Perform. 7

As amended through March 21, 2024

Upon the filing of a formal complaint, the Commission may, in its discretion, issue its order directed to the judge to show good cause before the Commission why the Commission should not recommend to the Supreme Court that he be suspended from office while the inquiry is pending. The order to show cause shall be returnable before the Commission at a designated place and at a time certain, at which place and time the Commission shall consider the question of suspension. Either after issuing its order to show cause or without such order to show cause, the Commission may recommend to the Supreme Court that the judge be suspended from performing the duties of his office, pending final determination of the inquiry. If the Commission recommends suspension, such recommendation and a transcript of all proceeding of the Commission shall be immediately forwarded to the Clerk of the Supreme Court. An interim suspension shall not preclude further action by the Commission.

R. Miss. Comm'n. Jud. Perform. 7