R. & Regul. Gov. Cert. Ct. Report. XIV

As amended through March 21, 2024
(A) When any court reporter in the State of Mississippi, whether with or without certification or temporary permission issued by the Board, is subjected to disciplinary action and/or sanctions in another jurisdiction, such sanction shall be grounds for disciplinary action in this state. Certification of such sanction by the appropriate authority of such jurisdiction to the Board or to the Mississippi Supreme Court shall be conclusive evidence of the guilt of the offense or unprofessional conduct on which said action and/or sanction was ordered, and it will not be necessary to prove the grounds for such offense in the disciplinary proceeding in this state.
(B) The sole issue to be determined in the disciplinary proceeding in this state shall be the extent of the final discipline to be imposed on the court reporter, which may be more or less severe than the discipline imposed by the other jurisdiction.

R. & Regul. Gov. Cert. Ct. Report. XIV

Approved effective 1/1/2012.