R. & Regul. Gov. Cert. Ct. Report. XIII

As amended through March 21, 2024
(A) All reinstatement petitions shall be addressed to the Board, shall state the cause(s) for suspension or revocation, give the names and current address of all persons, parties, firm, or legal entities who suffered pecuniary loss due to the improper conduct of the reporter, the making of full amends and restitution, the reasons justifying reinstatement, and requisite moral character and proof by sworn affidavit that he/she has retained the professional skills required for original certification or temporary permission to be reinstated to the privilege of being a certified court reporter in the State of Mississippi or being granted temporary permission as a noncertified court reporter in the State of Mississippi.
(B) No court reporter whose certification or temporary permission has been revoked shall be reinstated except upon Petition to the Board. The petition for reinstatement shall not be filed until two (2) years after the date of the order of revocation.
(C) A court reporter whose certificate or temporary permission has been suspended for a period of less than six (6) months shall be automatically reinstated upon expiration of the period of suspension. No court reporter whose certification or temporary permission has been suspended for a period of six (6) months or longer shall be reinstated except upon Petition to the Board. The petition for reinstatement shall not be filed until the expiration of the period of suspension. No petition for reinstatement shall be filed until the conditions of suspension have been met.
(D) Reinstatement to reporting following any discipline shall be only upon proof of compliance with any such sanctions and approval of the Board.
(E) A court reporter who has been convicted of a felony offense shall be ineligible for reinstatement.
(F) A court reporter who has been placed on probation is subject to having the probation revoked upon proof that the court reporter has failed to meet the terms of the probation.
(G) Prior to reinstatement of any court reporter eligible for reinstatement, the Board may require the court reporter to take the written knowledge examination (Part B) as prepared by the Mississippi Board of Certified Court Reporters and as set forth in Rule XI(2)(b) and obtain a score of not less than seventy-five (75). A court reporter whose certification or temporary permission has been revoked may also be required to take and pass all three (3) legs of the skills portion of the examination (Part A) currently used to certify court reporters in the State of Mississippi and as set forth in Rule XI(2)(a).
(H) If a petition for reinstatement is denied, no other petition shall be filed until one (1) year after the date of the denial of the petition for reinstatement.
(I) All petitions for reinstatement shall be public record, Rule XIII notwithstanding, and shall be published in one or more of the following publications or websites administered by any of the following: the Mississippi Bar, the Mississippi Board of Certified Court Reporters, and the Mississippi Court Reporters Association.
(J) All decisions of the Board denying a petition for reinstatement of Certification, Temporary Permission as a Noncertified Court Reporter, or Temporary Permission as a Nonresident Court Reporter shall be made in writing and the reasons for denying the petition shall be included in the decision of the Board. The court reporter shall be notified within thirty (30) days of the Board's decision. The decision of the Board shall be final.

R. & Regul. Gov. Cert. Ct. Report. XIII

Approved effective 1/1/2012.