Haw. R. App. P. 28

As amended through June 28, 2024
Rule 28 - Briefs
(a)Format, service, and page limitation.All briefs shall conform with Rule 32 of these Rules and, if service is by any means other than a notice of electronic filing, be accompanied by proof of service of 2 copies on each party to the appeal. Except after leave granted, an opening or answering brief shall not exceed 35 pages, and a reply brief shall not exceed 10 pages, exclusive of indexes, appendices, and statements of related cases. If a brief raises ineffective assistance of counsel as a point of error, the appellant shall serve a copy of the brief on the attorney alleged to have been ineffective.
(b)Opening brief. Within 40 days after the filing of the record on appeal, the appellant shall file an opening brief, containing the following sections in the order here indicated:
(1) A subject index of the matter in the brief with page references and a table of authorities listing the cases, alphabetically arranged, text books, articles, statutes, treatises, regulations, and rules cited, with references to the pages in the brief where they are cited. Citation to Hawai'i cases since statehood shall include both the state and regional reporters. Citation to foreign cases may be to only the regional reporters. Where cases are generally available only from electronic databases, citation may be made thereto, provided that the citation contains enough information to identify the database, the court, and the date of the opinion.
(2) (Reserved)
(3) A concise statement of the case, setting forth the nature of the case, the course and disposition of proceedings in the court or agency appealed from, and the facts material to consideration of the questions and points presented, with record references supporting each statement of fact or mention of court or agency proceedings. In presenting those material facts, all supporting and contradictory evidence shall be presented in summary fashion, with appropriate record references. Record references shall include a description of the document referenced, the JIMS or JEFS docket number and electronic page citations, or if a JIMS or JEFS docket number is not available, the document's filing date and electronic page citations within the document. References to transcripts shall include the JIMS or JEFS docket number, the date of the transcript, and the specific electronic page or pages referenced. Lengthy quotations from the record may be reproduced in the appendix. There shall be appended to the brief a copy of the judgment, decree, findings of fact and conclusions of law, order, opinion or decision relevant to any point on appeal, unless otherwise ordered by the court.
(4) A concise statement of the points of error set forth in separately numbered paragraphs. Each point shall state: (i) the alleged error committed by the court or agency; (ii) where in the record the alleged error occurred; and (iii) where in the record the alleged error was objected to or the manner in which the alleged error was brought to the attention of the court or agency. Where applicable, each point shall also include the following:
(A) when the point involves the admission or rejection of evidence, a quotation of the grounds urged for the objection and the full substance of the evidence admitted or rejected;
(B) when the point involves a jury instruction, a quotation of the instruction, given, refused, or modified, together with the objection urged at the trial;
(C) when the point involves a finding or conclusion of the court or agency, either a quotation of the finding or conclusion urged as error or reference to appended findings and conclusions;
(D) when the point involves a ruling upon the report of a master, a quotation of the objection to the report.

Points not presented in accordance with this section will be disregarded, except that the appellate court, at its option, may notice a plain error not presented. If an appellate court, when acting on a case on appeal, contemplates basing the disposition of the case wholly or in part upon an issue of plain error not raised by the parties through briefing, it shall not affirm, reverse, or vacate the case without allowing the parties the opportunity to brief the potential plainerror issue prior to disposition. Lengthy parts of the transcripts that are material to the points presented may be included in the appendix instead of being quoted in the point.

(5) A brief, separate section, entitled "Standard of Review," setting forth the standard or standards to be applied in reviewing the respective judgments, decrees, orders or decisions of the court or agency alleged to be erroneous and identifying the point of error to which it applies.
(6) (Reserved)
(7) The argument, containing the contentions of the appellant on the points presented and the reasons therefor, with citations to the authorities, statutes and parts of the record relied on. The argument may be preceded by a concise summary. Points not argued may be deemed waived.
(8) Relevant parts of the constitutional provisions, statutes, ordinances, treaties, regulations, or rules pertaining to the points of error set out verbatim, unless otherwise provided in the brief. If lengthy, they may be cited and their pertinent text set out in the appendix.
(9) A conclusion, specifying with particularity the relief sought.
(10) An appendix. Anything that is not part of the record shall not be appended to the brief, except as provided in this Rule.
(11) Statement of Related Cases. A brief statement identifying any related case known to be pending in the Hawai'i courts or agencies. The statement shall include the following: case caption, docket number, and the nature of the relationship. Cases are deemed related if they:
(A) arise out of the same or consolidated cases in the court or agency;
(B) involve a case that was previously heard by the Hawai'i appellate courts;
(C) involve the same parties;
(D) involve the same or closely related issues;
(E) involve the same basic transaction or event; or
(F) have any other similarities of which the appellate courts should be aware. The statement shall be presented on a separate page, entitled "Statement of Related Cases."

The statement shall be the last page in the brief following the appendices, if any. If no other cases are deemed related, a single statement to this effect shall be provided. If appellant identifies a case as related, no other party need duplicate the listing in that party's brief. If appellant learns of a related case after filing the initial brief, appellant shall promptly file a statement.

(c)Answering brief.Within 40 days after (1) service of appellant's opening brief, or receipt as evidenced by an acknowledgment of service as provided in Rule 25 of these Rules, whichever is later, or (2) docketing of the appeal, whichever is later, the appellee shall file an answering brief. The brief shall be of like character as that required for an opening brief except that no statement of points shall be required, and no other section is required unless the section presented in the opening brief is controverted. If, after filing the answering brief, appellee learns of a related case that has not been previously identified by any other party, appellee shall promptly file a statement of related cases that conforms with subsection (b)(11) of this Rule.

A nominal appellee need not file an answering brief. The appellate court may require an answering brief if one is deemed useful to its consideration.

Reply brief. Within 14 days after service of appellee's answering brief, or receipt as evidenced by an acknowledgment of service as provided in Rule 25(e) of these Rules, whichever is later, the appellant may file a reply brief. The reply brief shall be confined to matters presented in the answering brief. If no reply brief is to be filed, the appellant shall file a notification with the appellate clerk, with service upon all parties, prior to the expiration of the time for filing the reply brief. Briefs on reserved questions. In cases in which a single question has been reserved, the party maintaining the affirmative shall, for the purpose of this Rule, be regarded as the appellant and the party opposing the question as the appellee. So also where there are several questions and one party has the affirmative as to all of them. Where several questions have been reserved as to which a party maintains the affirmative as to some and the negative as to others, the plaintiff shall be regarded as the appellant and the defendant as the appellee, unless, upon application to the appellate court, an order specifying otherwise is issued by the appellate court. Unless otherwise ordered by the appellate court, briefs by the parties shall conform to Rule 28(a), (b), (c) and (d) of these Rules except that points of error and standards of review need not be provided.
(f) Briefs in original cases. Unless otherwise ordered by the appellate court, Rule 28(a), (b), (c) and (d) of these Rules shall apply to cases brought originally in the Hawai'i Supreme Court, except that points of error and standards of review need not be provided. For purposes of this Rule, when a case is brought originally in the supreme court, the party who would be regarded as the plaintiff or petitioner, if the matter were instituted in a trial court, shall be regarded as the appellant, and the opposing party as the appellee.
(g) Brief of amicus curiae. An amicus curiae brief may be filed only by leave of the appellate court. The order granting leave shall fix the time for filing the amicus curiae brief and any response thereto. The appellate court may allow or disallow the filing of such brief with or without a hearing. All amicus curiae briefs shall comply with the applicable provisions of subsection (b) of this Rule. The attorney general may file an amicus curiae brief without order of the court in all cases where the constitutionality of any statute of the State of Hawai'i is drawn into question, provided that the attorney general shall file the brief within 30 days after the filing of the answering brief, or within 30 days after notice was received pursuant to Rule 44 of these Rules, whichever period last expires.
(h) Briefs on cross appeal. If there is a cross appeal, separate opening and answering briefs on the cross appeal, and any reply brief relating thereto, shall be filed in addition to the briefs on the primary appeal and shall comply with the applicable requirements of Rule 28(a), (b), (c) and (d) of these Rules.
(i) Reserved.
(j) Citation of supplemental authorities. Parties may, by letter to the appellate clerk, bring to the appellate court's attention pertinent and significant authorities published after a party's brief has been filed, but before a decision. A copy of the letter, setting forth the citations, shall be served at or before the time of filing as provided by Rule 25(b) of these Rules. The letter shall provide references to either the page(s) of the brief or to a point argued orally to which the citations pertain. The letter shall, without argument, state the reasons for the supplemental citations. Any response shall be made promptly and shall be similarly limited.

Haw. R. App. P. 28

Amended February 20, 1985, effective 2/20/1985; further amended January 22, 1987, effective 1/22/1987; further amended November 10, 1993, effective 12/15/1993; further amended April 5, 1994, effective 4/15/1994; further amended June 23, 1994, effective 6/23/1994; further amended effective 10/19/1994, further amended August 14, 1995, effective 10/16/1995; further amended September 7, 1995, effective 10/30/1995; further amended December 6, 1999, effective 1/1/2000; further amended October 6, 2003, effective 1/1/2004; further amended June 20, 2006, effective 7/1/2006; further amended November 8, 2007, effective 1/1/2008; further amended August 30, 2010, effective 9/27/2010; further amended February 17, 2016, effective 7/1/2016; further amended August 30, 2021, effective 1/1/2022.