Haw. R. App. P. 27

As amended through June 28, 2024
Rule 27 - Motions
(a)Content of motions; response. UUnless another form is elsewhere prescribed by these Rules, an application for an order or other relief shall be made by filing a written motion with proof of service on all other parties. The motion shall contain or be accompanied by any matter required by a specific provision of these Rules governing such a motion, shall state with particularity the grounds upon which it is based, and shall set forth the order or relief sought. If a motion is supported by a memorandum, affidavit, declaration, or other documents, they shall be served and filed with the motion. Any party may file a written response in opposition to a motion within 5 days after service of the motion, but the appellate court may extend or shorten the time for responding to any motion as provided in Rule 26(b) and (d)of these Rules. No reply to a response will be received unless authorized by the appellate court.
(b)Determination of motions for procedural orders. Notwithstanding Rule 27(a), of this Rule, motions for procedural orders, including motions for extension of time, may be acted upon at any time, without awaiting a response. Pursuant to rule or order of the appellate court, motions for specified types of procedural orders may be disposed of by the appellate clerk. Any party adversely affected by such action, by application to the appellate court, may request reconsideration, vacation, or modification of such action.
(c)Power of a single judge or justice to entertain motions. In addition to authority conferred by rule or law, a single judge or justice may decide any motion before the court on which the judge or justice sits, except that: (i) a single judge or justice may not dismiss or otherwise determine an appeal or other proceeding; and (ii) the Hawai'i Supreme Court may provide by order or rule that any motion or class of motions must be acted upon by it or the intermediate court of appeals. Any party adversely affected by the action of a single judge or justice may, by application to the court on which the judge or justice sits, request reconsideration, vacation, or modification of such action.
(d) Page limits. A motion, other than a motion for reconsideration pursuant to Rule 40, of these Rules, shall not exceed 3 pages, including an abbreviated caption and signature. Memoranda in support or opposition shall not exceed 20 pages, including abbreviated captions and signatures. Only affidavits or declarations and documents necessary for the determination of the motion may be attached.

Haw. R. App. P. 27

Amended December 6, 1999, effective 1/1/2000; further amended August 30, 2010, effective 9/27/2010; further amended October 13, 2015, effective 1/1/2016.