Haw. R. App. P. 13

As amended through June 28, 2024
Rule 13 - Certification of Question of Hawai'i Law by Federal Courts
(a) When certified. When a federal district or appellate court certifies to the Hawai'i Supreme Court that there is involved in any proceeding before it a question concerning the law of Hawai'i that is determinative of the cause and that there is no clear controlling precedent in the Hawai'i judicial decisions, the Hawai'i Supreme Court may answer the certified question by written opinion.
(b) Contents of certificate. The certificate provided for herein shall contain the title of the Hawai'i Supreme Court and the title of the cause in full, and to the right thereof the words "Certified Question" and the name of the court submitting or approving the submission of the question. The certificate shall also contain a statement of prior proceedings in the case, a statement of facts showing the nature of the cause, the question of law to be answered, and the circumstances out of which the question arises.
(c) Preparation of certificate. The certificate may be prepared by stipulation or as directed by such federal court. When prepared and signed by the presiding judge of such federal court, it shall be certified to the Hawai''i Supreme Court by the clerk of the federal court and under its official seal. The Hawai'i Supreme Court may, in its discretion, require original or copies of all or any portion of the record before the federal court to be filed with the certificate.
(d) Briefs. Briefs conforming to the Hawai'i Rules of Appellate Procedure shall be filed by the parties as ordered by the court.
(e) Deleted.

Haw. R. App. P. 13

Amended June 9, 1986, effective 6/9/1986; further amended December 6, 1999, effective 1/1/2000.