Haw. R. App. P. 12.1

As amended through June 28, 2024
Rule 12.1 - Statement of Jurisdiction
(a)Filing. Within 10 days after the record on appeal is filed each appellant and cross-appellant shall file a statement of jurisdiction. Any appellee contesting jurisdiction may file a statement contesting jurisdiction within the same period.
(b)Length. The statement shall not exceed 10 pages in length exclusive of title page(s), indexes, and the certificate of service.
(c)Content. The statement of jurisdiction shall show the specific statutory or other grounds upon which the jurisdiction of the Hawai'i appellate courts is invoked. The statement shall include, with references to the record on appeal, (i) relevant procedural facts establishing jurisdiction and (ii) relevant filing dates establishing the timeliness of the appeal.
(1) Civil. In a civil case involving multiple claims or multiple parties, the statement shall specifically set out, with dates and references to the record on appeal, (i) how each claim against each party was resolved or (ii) whether the appealed order or judgment was certified for appeal.
(2) Criminal. In a criminal case, the statement shall identify the offense(s) involved in the appeal by statutory section and name, any sentence imposed, and the defendant's custody status in the case on appeal.
(d)Attachment. A copy of the order or judgment shall be attached to the statement.
(e) Sanctions.Failure to file a statement of jurisdiction may result in sanctions, including dismissal of the appeal following notice and a meaningful opportunity to be heard.

Haw. R. App. P. 12.1

Added November 10, 1993, effective 12/15/1993; amended December 6, 1999, effective 1/1/2000; further amended February 17, 2016, effective 7/1/2016.