Nev. Admin. Code § 388G.Sec. 28

Current through June 11, 2024
Section 388G.Sec. 28 - NEW
1. If an organizational team established pursuant to section 23 of this regulation objects to any part of the plan of operation for the local school precinct that is submitted by the principal of the local school precinct for approval pursuant to section 23 of this regulation, the organizational team may submit a request to the school associate superintendent to consider revising the plan in accordance with the recommendations of the organizational team.
2. If the school associate superintendent receives a request pursuant to subsection 1, the school associate superintendent must consider the recommendations of the organizational team and provide a written response to the organizational team upon making a final determination about the plan of operation for the local school precinct within 5 working days.
3. If the school associate superintendent:
(a) Agrees with the recommendations of the organizational team, the school associate superintendent must work with the principal of the local school precinct to revise the plan of operation.
(b) Does not agree with the recommendations of the organizational team, the school associate superintendent must inform the organizational team.
4. If the school associate superintendent does not agree with the recommendations of the organizational team, the organizational team may appeal the decision of the school associate superintendent to the Superintendent. The Superintendent must consider such an appeal within 5 days after receipt of the appeal. The decision of the Superintendent is final and not subject to any further appeal or judicial review.

Nev. Admin. Code § 388G.Sec. 28

Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R142-16A, eff. 9/9/2016
Clark County School District Reorganization Act §28