Current through the 2024 Budget Session
Section 7-16-102 - Restrictions; supervision; costs; civil liability(a) No prisoner shall be required to perform work more than eight (8) hours in any one (1) calendar day or to work on any legal holiday.(b) No person shall be required to perform work who is unable to do so due to physical or mental disability.(c) The court shall direct whether the work shall be performed under the supervision of the county sheriff, the state probation and parole officer or some other responsible person approved by the court. No person shall be directed to perform work unless the court, after consultation with the sheriff or other entity or person to be charged with supervision, determines that adequate staffing is available to provide for the safe and secure supervision of the prisoner.(d) Any additional expenses, including costs for guarding the prisoner, incurred by a county as a result of allowing a prisoner to perform work shall be paid by the board of county commissioners in which the labor is performed but may be assessed against any financial credit earned by the prisoner under W.S. 7-16-104. The court may also require that a reasonable sum for room and board be assessed against any credits earned by a prisoner.(e) The person charged with supervising a prisoner's work shall keep an accurate record and account of all work performed and all credits received and shall make periodic reports as required by the court.(f) The court may impose any other reasonable terms or conditions relating to the performance of work by prisoners and probationers, not inconsistent with W.S. 7-16-101 through 7-16-104.(g) If any civil action is brought against any sheriff, his undersheriff, deputy, agent or employee, by reason of acts committed or alleged in the performance of necessary duties in connection with the care of a prisoner performing work pursuant to W.S. 7-16-101 through 7-16-104, the state shall indemnify and hold harmless the officers, agents or employees from all civil liability incurred or adjudged except for liability arising out of willful and wanton or malicious acts. Upon request, the state shall provide legal counsel at state expense to assist in the defense of any action covered by this subsection.