Before any district shall enter into any contract for the construction, building, alteration, extension, or improvement of any irrigation works, power plant or system, or any part or section thereof for the use of the district, or for the purchase of any materials, machinery, or apparatus, such district shall cause estimates of the cost thereof to be made by some competent engineer or engineers and if such estimated cost shall exceed the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) no such contract shall be entered into for a price, cost or consideration exceeding such estimate nor without advertising for sealed bids. Prior to such advertisement, plans and specifications for the proposed construction work or materials shall be prepared and filed at the principal office or place of business of the district. Such advertisement shall be inserted for three (3) consecutive issues, with not less than twenty (20) days intervening between the first and last publication dates, in one (1) or more newspapers of general circulation in the district and, in the discretion of the board of directors of the district, in such additional newspapers or trade or technical periodicals as may be selected by the board in order to give proper notice of the receiving of bids. Such advertisement shall designate the nature of the construction work proposed to be done or materials proposed to be purchased; that the plans and specifications therefor may be inspected at the office of the district, giving the location thereof, and shall designate the time within which bids shall be filed and the date, hour and place the same shall be opened. The board of directors of the district, with the assistance of the state engineer, whose duty it shall be to supervise such lettings, may let the contract for such work or materials to the lowest responsible bidder, or, in the sole discretion of the board, all bids tendered may be rejected and readvertisement for bids made in the manner, form and time in this section provided. No such contract shall be valid nor shall any money of the district be expended thereunder unless advertisement and letting shall have been had as in this section provided. Such contract shall provide that wherever possible workmen who are citizens of Wyoming shall be employed by the contractor. All provisions of W.S. 16-6-112 through 16-6-115, with reference to contractor's bonds, shall be applicable and effective as to any contract let pursuant to the provisions of this act; provided further, that if all or a portion of the cost of the proposed works is to be met by grant of labor or a grant in aid from a federal or state agency, the rules and regulations of which agency provide that work shall not be done by contract, the board may proceed with the necessary construction or other work without first complying with any of the foregoing provisions of this section.
W.S. 41-7-813