Section 40-10-127 - Sale of gasoline and distillates on other than gross volume basis unlawful; exception; "sale" defined(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, the sale of gasoline and distillates, excluding liquified petroleum gas, on a temperature corrected basis or on any basis other than the gross volume of gasoline or distillate actually delivered is unlawful. Any contract in violation of this section shall be unenforceable to the extent of the violation.(b) Sellers of motor fuel within this state shall offer to prospective purchasers the option to buy the product either by gross gallons or on the assumption that the temperature of the product is sixty degrees Fahrenheit (60S F) or the centigrade equivalent. This purchaser option may be exercised only on an annual basis and applied only to single deliveries of seven thousand five hundred (7,500) gallons or more or the metric equivalent. Any adjustments to volumes during the temperature compensation process shall be made in accordance with the standards set by the American Society of Testing Materials.(c) For purposes of this act, "sale" does not include the exchange of gasoline or distillate between refiners or transporters of petroleum or petroleum products.